

This section provides the detail information of software. The first part explains the boot sequence of bc10.
It describes each step of the sequence and software that handles each step. The other parts show the build and
installation process of OSes. It discuss OpenEmbedded Linux, Android, and rowboat, a community developed
Android, which is ported for OMAP35x and TI platforms.


This section briefly explains the boot sequence and software that manages the boot process of bc10. As boot process
is proceeded from BootROM , X-Loader, U-boot, to uImage (Linux kernel). bc10/booting provides the overview of the
boot process of bc10. The overview includes the sequence of boot, the location of loaders, and the software required
booting bc10. Then, bc10/x-loader and bc10/u-boot specifically explain the building instructions of X-Loader and
U-Boot, respectively.

Linux kernel

bc10/kernel-2.6.32 presents the whole process of building the Linux kernel for bc10. This article explains where
and how to obtain the kernel and shows how to update the kernel. This article also briefly touches a modifying process
of the kernel. This article describes how to add the several modules for bc10). At the end, this article introduces the
options for the kernel. These options are selected while the kernel is booting.

OpenEmbedded Linux

bc10/OpenEmbedded Linux provides an instruction of how to build the development environment of the Angstrom for bc10.
OpenEmbedded Linux discussed here is the combination of OpenEmbedded and Angstrom Distribution. Angstrom Distribution
is an embedded Linux distribution, and this distribution is built upon OpenEmbedded, a build framework for embedded
Linux. Angstrom Distribution is considered and treated as an OpenEmbedded Linux.


bc10/rowboat explains how to install rowboat on bc10. rowboat is a community, and its project provides a stable Android,
which is specifically ported for Texas Instruments Devices (OMAP35x, AM37x, and AM35x platforms). Particularly, this
project emphasizes graphics and multimedia performance optimizations (utilize the platform specific features such as DSP,
SGX graphics accelerator, and others). For more information, please visit the project's homepage.

Caution: rowboat is based upon the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). AOSP does not support Google API and applications
that rely on Google API. Also, it can not decode the Flash contents on websites.

Android-2.2_1.1 (Froyo)

bc10/froyo shows how to create userland of the most recent Android for bc10. This version of Android is based upon AOSP.
2.6.32 kernel of rowboat project is modified for adjusting the hardware specifications of bc10. Since this is derived form AOSP,
the applications which require Google API are neither initially installed nor supported. Also, this cannot handle the Flash contents.

Management and Development of Android

This section introduces the know-how of the management and development tools for bc10. bc10/ADB on bc10 explains
how to install Android Debug Bridge (ADB) and how to establish the connection between an Android device and its host
PC. ADB is used for system management and debugging applications.

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Last-modified: 2011-01-11 (Tue) 12:42:34 (4945d)