Open Source Gadgets †
What is the Open Source Gadget? †
The Open Source Gadget releases its technical information of hardware and software to the public.
The hardware and software of the Open Source Gadget are developed openly. Users can freely modify
and add extra functions on the Open Source Gadget for their interest.
- Hardware
- component parts, design information, circuit schematic, Gerber data etc.
- Software
- specifications, source codes, development environment, build procedures etc.
bc10 †
bc10 is a clone of BeagleBoard. bc10 is a clone of BeagleBoard. bc10 comes with OMAP 3530 and other
widely used connectors and sensors. bc10 is equipped with two slots for Expansion Board. The modifications
of bc10 are mostly handled at Expansion Board. bc10 is able to run OpenEmbedded Linux and Android. For
more information of hardware and software, please visit bc10.
bc9 †
bc9 is a gumstix verdex pro based PDA-like handheld portable device. Its Base Board is designed by
BeatCraft, Inc, and is open sourced. bc9 is capable of running OpenEmbedded Linux and Android. For
the technical information, please go to bc9.