

This is the overview of the hardware of bc10. bc10 is a clone of BeagleBoard, but the size and specifications
of bc10 differ form BeagleBoard's.

Overview of Hardware

These are the pictures of bc10 MP1.

Specifications of Hardware

Layout of Major Parts

30-pin Connector

Slot for Expansion Board



OrCAD formatPDF format
Main Boardfilebc10-001-0003.dsnfilebc10-001-0003.pdf
Expansion Boardfilebc10-005-0001.dsnfilebc10-005-0001.pdf

PDF files are for reference.

PCB, Gerber, Layout data

PCB Editor formatRS274 formatPDF format
Main Boardfilebc10-001-0003.zipfilebc10-001-0003_gerber.zip (RS274 4x00)filebc10-001-0003_Layout.pdf
Expansion Boardfilebc10-005-0001.brdfilebc10-005-0001_gerber.zip (RS274-X)filebc10-005-0001_Layout.pdf

PDF files are used for reference. PDF files include the layout data of the boards.
The location of each key of the keypad is defined in filebc10-005-0001_padlayout.pdf. Please use it for a reference.
The shape of the contacting point of key is identical to this dome-shape switch (B3D-5112). Please use B3D-5112's
technical website for a reference.


The BOM data is loosely translated into English. The translated data provides enough description of parts used in bc10.

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