[[DIY Electronics]]

* USB-HUB & Ethernet module [#t9d24fe2]
This article introduces an Ethernet module, which BeatCraft, Inc. has recently prototyped. [[LAN9514 of SMSC>http://www.smsc.com/index.php?tid=145&pid=135]] is used for the USB-HUB & Ether chip. To use the USB HUB function, only an USB cables are attached to the device. Ethernet supports 10/100Base-TX. For the driver, a driver for SMSC's evaluation board is used.

- Schematic &ref(BC10-103-0001.pdf);
- Appearance (Size: 50mm x 100mm)


- Specifications
|USB type|USB 2.0 / 1.1|Memo|
|USB type|USB 2.0 / 1.1||
|Upstream Port| 1|USB Mini-B conector|
|Downstream Port| 5| an  Ethernet fixed adaptor is included|
|Ethernet port        | 1|USB connect, 10/100Base-TX|

** How to Use [#k121d062]
- The Windows driver is downloaded form SMSC's website. This driver is originally created for an evaluation board, which SMSC has developed for the evaluation of LAN9514. Please visit  [[SMSC product page>http://www.smsc.com/index.php?tid=247&pid=97&cid=&tab=3]]. Then, go to its software download page.
- Install the driver on Windows environment.
- Power is provided via an USB cable, or an external power supply can be used. 
- Setting up jumpers on the board. The locations of shorting varies 
--For all cases
---At J3, jumper pins are set at 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8. These points are shorted out. 
-- For the case of USB power supply.
--- At J8, jumper pins are set at 7-8 and 9-10. (In addition to the points at J3, these points are shorted out.)
-- For the case of external power supply
--- For the power supply, DC 5V and at least 2A are recommended. At J8, pins #1,#3, and #5are attached to the negative pole. At the same J8, pins #2,#4, and #6 are connected to the positive pole.
- As an USB cable is connected, the sets of required software are automatically installed, and you can start using it immediately.

** Use this module with bc10 [#t0c90cfa]

To use this USB-HUB & Ethernet module with bc10, an driver for LAN9514 is placed at the kernel of bc10. The needed driver is for only ethernet function. To use the USB-HUB function, drivers are NOT required. The Ethernet driver is located at “kernel config”.

 Diveice Driver --->
 [*] Network device support --->
        --- Network device support
        USB NEtwork Adapters  --->
 <*>    SMSC LAN95CC baased USB 2.0 10/100 ethernet devices

In these pictures shown below,   it is an example that bc10 (running on  OpenEmbedded Linux) is connected to Ethernet, an USB keyboard, and an USB-disk.~

In the picture below, it may be difficult to see, this is outputs of the “ifconfig” and “df -h” commands. As executing command, the USB keyboard is used. When the Ethernet device is recognized, its name is defined as “usb0”. The 8GB-USB disk is recognized as the directory of /dev/sda device.~

The picture below shows an example of connecting bc10 with an USB keyboard, a portable HDD (500GB).  The output of the “df-h” command indicates that this portable HDD is recognized. However, the precess takes around 10 seconds.~

* Revision History [#b99beb94]
--2012/3/02 The article is initially uploaded.

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