
*Keypad [#k89418e8]
This is the information of the keypad board, which is connected to the left expansion slot (from AMOLED side) of bc10.~
This board is attached to the oppose side of  the standard expansion board (which comes with power supply). To use this~
board, a keypad can be added at the other side of the standard expansion board. This board has a pad, which is used for~
connecting GPIO (x4) and UART1.~

- Design
-- Schematic and Gerber data
||OrCAD Version|pdf Version|

-- Parts list
|Connector|14 5078 030 510 861+|KYOCERA ELCO| 1||

** About the pad for extended wiring [#wcfc30b4]
On the side that the connector is attached, the pad is also connected. (This pad handles GPIO (x4) and UART1.)

--On the side that the connector is attached, the pad is also connected. (This pad handles GPIO (x4) and UART1.)
|Signal Name |Registration ID|Memo|
|GPIO_152|G152        |C-MOS 1.8Vlevel|
|GPIO_153|G153        |C-MOS 1.8Vlevel|
|GPIO_154|G154        |C-MOS 1.8Vlevel|
|GPIO_155|G155        |C-MOS 1.8Vlevel|
|UART1_TX|U1TX        |C-MOS 1.8Vlevel|
|UART1_RX|U1RX        |C-MOS 1.8Vlevel|
|UARR1_TX_3V|U1TX_3V  |C-MOS 3.3Vlevel *1)|
|UART1_RX_3V|U1RX_3V  |C-MOS 3.3Vlevel *1)|
|VCC_1V8    |1.8V     |                |
|VCC_3V3    |3.3V     |                |

To use 3.3V level wire, parts for voltage converter is required and needed to be installed, separately. List of the required parts~
are listed below.~
-- 1)To use 3.3V level wire, parts for voltage converter is required and needed to be installed, separately. List of the required parts are listed below.~
|U1|TXS0102 (DCU)|a product of Texas Instruments, Inc. DCU package (For more [[info>http://focus.tij.co.jp/jp/docs/prod/folders/print/txs0102.html]])|
|R1|10kΩ |1608|

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