
- Contents

* Overview [#p0e251a8]
bc10 does not include JTAG in the set. Users need to make own JTAG for bc10. This section explains how to make a JTAG for~
bc10. The example of JTAG consists of several parts: JTAG board, JTAG adaptar board, and cable.  JTAG board, [[The Flywatter:http://www.tincantools.com/product.php?productid=16134&cat=0&page=1&featured]],~
and JTAG Adapter Board, a part of [[BeagleBoard Adapter Kit:http://www.tincantools.com/product.php?productid=16144&cat=0&page=1]] are produced by by [[Tin Can Tools:http://www.tincantools.com/home.php]] and these are commercial~
products for BeagleBoard.  Users need to work on JTAG cable. The JTAG connector of bc10 does have the same pinning as~
BeagleBoard's, but  the size of bc10's JTAG connector is differ from  BeagleBoard's. [[This section>http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/index.php?bc10%2FJTAG#yb8013d4]] explains how to make the cable.~

* JTAG board [#p3efb9f2]
** Flyswatter [#h8b32932]
The JTAG board is called [[Flyswatter>http://www.tincantools.com/product.php?productid=16134&cat=0&page=1&featured]], which bridges between bc10 and the host computer. This is connected to the host via USB and~
attached to bc10 via a 14-pin bc10 specific JTAG cable. Flyswatter is also designed as a debugger, and it supports OpenOCD.~

** JTAG Adapter Board [#cac4a530]
JTAG Adapter Board is part of [[BeagleBoard Adapter Kit>http://www.tincantools.com/product.php?productid=16144&cat=0&page=1]]. It provides the 14-pin JTAG interface to the Flyswatter, and it is connected~
to the bc10 specific JTAG cable.

* bc10 Specific JTAG Cable [#yb8013d4]
The pin order of bc10's JTAG connector is the same as BeagleBoard's. However, due to the design of bc10, bc10 uses the~
different size of JTAG connector from BeagleBoard. This prohibits using the commercially available JTAG cables. The~
instructions of how to make the JTAG cable for bc10 are shown below.

** Parts Table [#a4fa8829]
|Connector socket housing|CENTER:1|DF13-14S-1.25C|http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?lang=en&site=EN&WT.z_homepage_link=hp_go_button&KeyWords=DF13-14S-1.25C|
|Connector contact |CENTER:14|DF13-2630SCF|http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=H9992CT-ND|
|Ribbon Cable|CENTER:1| approx. 200 ~ 250 mm| 1.27 mm pitch, 14 conductors|
|IDC connector|CENTER:1||2.54 mm pitch, 14 positions, 2rows|

** Instructions [#uaab7ef3]
+ Split an edge of the ribbon cable  40mm deep.
+ Push the split ribbon cable into the connector contact with equal force.
+  From the first pin, the pins of the connector contact are orderly placed into the connector socket housing one by one.
+ The other end of the ribbon cable is pushed into the connector contact. The location that each pin is placed is needed~
+ Push the split ribbon cable into '''the connector contact''' with equal force.
+  From the first pin, the pins of '''the connector contact''' are orderly placed into '''the connector socket housing''' one by one.
+ The other end of the ribbon cable is pushed into '''the connector contact'''. The location that each pin is placed is needed~
to be the same as its corresponding pin is originally put at the other end.
+ This is  the end.

** The Picture of Example Cable [#fc19eec7]

** Pin Assignment [#hed6d06f]

* Revision History [#p0544bdd]
2010/10/12 The article is initially uploaded.

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