[[labs.beatcraft.com]] *DE0-Nano [#e17a6469] > These are articles about DE0-Nano, FPGA board developed by Terasic Technologies Inc.~ #ref(DE0Nano.jpg,,40%); ~ The some articles include the topics of high-level Synthesis tools for FPGA are also listed in this section.~ [[Synthesijer]] is a high-level synthesis tool that is capable of generating VHDL and Verilog HDL code from Java code.~ [[JavaRock]] is the predecessor of Synthesijer. ** DE0-Nano/Synthesijer [#l3c93106] > This article explains how to install Synthesijer on DE0-Nano and shows to execute the examples (quickstart and led).~ Please look at this page.~ ** DE0-Nano/JavaRock [#ja0b92ad] > This article explains how to execute a sample program of JavaRock, a high-level synthesis tool for FPGA, on DE0-Nano.~ The example is make the LED blink on the board. To visit the article, please click [[here]].~ The example is make the LED blink on the board. To visit the article, please click [[here>http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/index.php?DE0-Nano%2FJavaRock]].~ ** DE0-Nano/NiosII_uClinux [#adf37c9c] > This article explains how to install NiosII_uClinux on DE0-Nano. For the detail, please visit [[this page>http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/index.php?DE0-Nano%2FNiosII_uClinux]]. * Revision History [#gf841f41] > - 2014/12/24 This article is initially uploaded~