
*BC-USB-Kit Pin Header Information [#ddaf136b]
To use BC-USB-Kit, you need to solder pin headers at the through-holes of BC-USB-Kit.~
BC-USB-Kit two types of pins: a DIP 28p pin header and an L-shaped 6-pin pin header.~
The pitch of these pins is 100mil. You may apply to any other pins if their pitch is 100mil.~
** DIP 28P pin header [#c04d6312]
To use BC-USB-Kit with an IC socket, bread board, and so on, a DIP 28p pin header is soldered to J1 expansion and ICSP connection terminals.~
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** L-shaped 6-pin pin header [#ub612ace]
To connect BC-USB-Kit with an In-Circuit Debugger, an L-shaped 6-pin pin header is soldered to J2 ICSP connection terminals.~
You can cut a longer version of L-shaped pin header for this use.

* Revision History [#xa426d04]
2015-04-01 This article is initially published.
-2015-04-01 This article is initially published.

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