Software/intel IPP
] [
** 概要 [#z62d1cba]
IPP(Integrated Performance Primitives)とはマルチメディア...
- 動作OS:Windows,Linux,MacOS
- 動作CPU:IA32,IA64,itanium,XScale,Atom
Fedora 10(x86)向けにインストールする場合の手順を以下に記...
** インストール [#a738f2bb]
*** 評価版のダウンロード [#i8c9071e]
-- intel の IPP ページよりダウンロードします。
-- [Evaluate]を選択します。
-- [IntelR Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP) ...
-- メールアドレス、国/地域 を入力し、[送信]を選択します。
-- 入力したメールアドレスにダウンロードリストのURLが送信...
IA-32パッケージ : l_ipp_ia32_p_6.0.2.076.tar.gz
サンプルコード : l_ipp-samples_p_6.0.0.144.tgz
*** 解凍 [#cc4ab419]
% tar xzvf l_ipp_ia32_p_6.0.2.076.tar.gz
*** インストール [#k8014a4b]
# cd l_ipp_ia32_p_6.0.2.076
-- Fedora 10の場合、SELinuxのアクセス制御を無効にするモー...
# /usr/sbin/setenforce 0
# /usr/sbin/getenforce
Initializing, please wait...
Step no: 1 of 7 | Welcome
Welcome to the Intel(R) IPP 6.0 Update 2 for Linux* on I...
Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel(R) IPP...
which provides a broad range of functionality including ...
speech, graphics, text strings and audio processing, cry...
manipulation and matrix math, as well as more sophistica...
construction of audio, video and speech codecs such as M...
Layer 3), MPEG-4, H.263, JPEG, GSM-AMR and G723, plus co...
supporting a variety of data types and layouts for each ...
the number of data structures used, the Intel(R) IPP lib...
of options for developers to choose from while designing...
You will complete the steps below during this installati...
Step 1 : Welcome
Step 2 : License agreement
Step 3 : Activation option
Step 4 : Installation configuration
Step 5 : Configuration summary
Step 6 : Installation
Step 7 : Installation complete
Press "Enter" key to continue or "q" to quit:
Step no: 2 of 7 | License agreement
To continue with the installation, you must accept the t...
the End User License Agreement (EULA). The EULA will be ...
"more" utility. While viewing the EULA, press the spaceb...
press the "q" key to quit viewing the EULA. After viewin...
have the choice to either accept or decline the terms an...
1. View the license agreement (required) [default]
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept defau...
Do not copy, install, or use the Materials provided unde...
("Agreement"), until you have carefully read the followi...
s and conditions.
12. THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS. The Materials may contain thir...
The license terms with those third party programs apply ...
f them.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property ...
Do you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of ...
Type "accept" to continue or "decline" to back to the pr...
Step no: 3 of 7 | Activation options
Activation requires a serial number and internet connect...
anonymous one-time process which verifies your software ...
enable use of the product.
You can also choose to install the software for evaluati...
at a later time. The software will time out in 30 days.
1. Use existing license [default]
2. I want to activate and install my product
3. I want to evaluate my product or activate later
4. Advanced activation options - for installing if you d...
connection or want to install a counted license
5. View additional information about software activation
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept defau...
Step no: 4 of 7 | Installation Type
Congratulations! You software has been activated. Please...
installation by choosing Typical Install (using all defa...
to change the default install options.
1. Typical Install (Recommended) [default]
2. Custom Install (For Advanced Users)
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept defau...
Step no: 5 of 7 | Configuration summary
Select option "1" below to begin installing files based ...
provided. Use the "b" option to go back to the previous...
to change any of the information below.
Activation Type:
Existing License File
Intel(R) IPP 6.0 Update 2 for Linux* on IA-32 Intel(R...
Install Mode:
1. Install [default]
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept defau...
Step no: 6 of 7 | Installation
Each component will install individually. If you cancel ...
components that have been completely installed will rema...
installation may take several minutes, depending on your...
you selected.
Installing, please wait...
Installing Intel(R) IPP 6.0 Update 2 for Linux* on IA-32...
Intel(R) IPP 6.0 Update 2 for Linux* on IA-32 Intel(R) A...
installed successfully.
Press "Enter" key to continue
Step no: 7 of 7 | Installation complete
Thank you for installing and for using the
Intel(R) IPP 6.0 Update 2 for Linux* on IA-32 Intel(R) A...
Your Subscription Service starts with your activation. C...
account now in order to access free product updates and ...
to product updates and upgrades, you will get access to ...
management and communications, technical support, sample...
Support services start from the time you install or acti...
please be sure to create your support account now in ord...
advantage of your product purchase.
To create your support account, please visit the Subscri...
h. Help
q. Quit [default]
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept defau...
*** 環境設定 [#ie05fb8a]
-- .bashrcに以下を追加
export IPPROOT
% source ~/.bashrc
-- /etc/にファイルを追加
# cd /etc/
# vi ipp.conf
# ldconfig
** サンプルコードのビルド [#lc06ad91]
*** 解凍 [#t628ef1d]
% tar zxvf l_ipp-samples_p_6.0.0.144.tgz
*** ビルド [#n20b53b8]
% cd ipp-samples
% cd audio-video-codecs
% ./
|Test : audio-video-codecs build
|Hostname : bc
|Function : no
|Description : building audio-video-codecs sample
|Class : Information
|Source : /home/bc/work2/ipp-samples/audio-video-co...
|Executable :
Found compiler gcc4 ( autodetect ) is /usr
Compiler environment is loaded
OpenMP support for this compiler: YES
IPP environment found at /opt/intel/ipp/
IPP environment is loaded
All necessary packages and requred compilers are checked
Environment is setup. Build process is started. Please ...
******* umc PASSED
******* vm PASSED
******* vm_plus PASSED
******* aac_dec PASSED
******* aac_dec_int PASSED
******* aac_enc PASSED
******* aac_enc_int PASSED
******* ac3_dec PASSED
******* avi_spl PASSED
******* avs_common PASSED
******* avs_dec PASSED
******* avs_enc PASSED
******* avs_spl PASSED
******* color_space_converter PASSED
******* common PASSED
******* demuxer PASSED
******* dv100_dec PASSED
******* dv100_enc PASSED
******* dv50_dec PASSED
******* dv50_enc PASSED
******* dv_dec PASSED
******* dv_enc PASSED
******* h261_dec PASSED
******* h261_enc PASSED
******* h263_dec PASSED
******* h263_enc PASSED
******* h264_dec PASSED
******* h264_enc PASSED
******* h264_spl PASSED
******* jpeg PASSED
******* me PASSED
******* mp3_dec PASSED
******* mp3_dec_int PASSED
******* mp3_enc PASSED
******* mp3_enc_int PASSED
******* mpeg2_dec PASSED
******* mpeg2_enc PASSED
******* mpeg2_mux PASSED
******* mpeg4_dec PASSED
******* mpeg4_enc PASSED
******* mpeg4_mux PASSED
******* mpeg4_spl PASSED
******* scene_analyzer PASSED
******* spl_common PASSED
******* vc1_common PASSED
******* vc1_dec PASSED
******* vc1_enc PASSED
******* vc1_spl PASSED
******* audio_renders PASSED
******* media_buffers PASSED
******* umc_io PASSED
******* video_renders PASSED
******* umc_pipeline PASSED
******* simple_player PASSED
******* umc_h264_dec_con PASSED
******* umc_video_enc_con PASSED
|-OK audio-video-codecs
-バイナリは _bin/linux32_gcc4/ に作成されます。
-simple_player はMPEG4,MP3,AVI(MJPEG)のファイル等が再生可...
./simple_player 再生したいファイル
- その他のサンプルコード
-- image-codecs : JPEG(2000)
-- data-compression : データ圧縮
-- speech-codecs : 音声コーデック
** 概要 [#z62d1cba]
IPP(Integrated Performance Primitives)とはマルチメディア...
- 動作OS:Windows,Linux,MacOS
- 動作CPU:IA32,IA64,itanium,XScale,Atom
Fedora 10(x86)向けにインストールする場合の手順を以下に記...
** インストール [#a738f2bb]
*** 評価版のダウンロード [#i8c9071e]
-- intel の IPP ページよりダウンロードします。
-- [Evaluate]を選択します。
-- [IntelR Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP) ...
-- メールアドレス、国/地域 を入力し、[送信]を選択します。
-- 入力したメールアドレスにダウンロードリストのURLが送信...
IA-32パッケージ : l_ipp_ia32_p_6.0.2.076.tar.gz
サンプルコード : l_ipp-samples_p_6.0.0.144.tgz
*** 解凍 [#cc4ab419]
% tar xzvf l_ipp_ia32_p_6.0.2.076.tar.gz
*** インストール [#k8014a4b]
# cd l_ipp_ia32_p_6.0.2.076
-- Fedora 10の場合、SELinuxのアクセス制御を無効にするモー...
# /usr/sbin/setenforce 0
# /usr/sbin/getenforce
Initializing, please wait...
Step no: 1 of 7 | Welcome
Welcome to the Intel(R) IPP 6.0 Update 2 for Linux* on I...
Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel(R) IPP...
which provides a broad range of functionality including ...
speech, graphics, text strings and audio processing, cry...
manipulation and matrix math, as well as more sophistica...
construction of audio, video and speech codecs such as M...
Layer 3), MPEG-4, H.263, JPEG, GSM-AMR and G723, plus co...
supporting a variety of data types and layouts for each ...
the number of data structures used, the Intel(R) IPP lib...
of options for developers to choose from while designing...
You will complete the steps below during this installati...
Step 1 : Welcome
Step 2 : License agreement
Step 3 : Activation option
Step 4 : Installation configuration
Step 5 : Configuration summary
Step 6 : Installation
Step 7 : Installation complete
Press "Enter" key to continue or "q" to quit:
Step no: 2 of 7 | License agreement
To continue with the installation, you must accept the t...
the End User License Agreement (EULA). The EULA will be ...
"more" utility. While viewing the EULA, press the spaceb...
press the "q" key to quit viewing the EULA. After viewin...
have the choice to either accept or decline the terms an...
1. View the license agreement (required) [default]
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept defau...
Do not copy, install, or use the Materials provided unde...
("Agreement"), until you have carefully read the followi...
s and conditions.
12. THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS. The Materials may contain thir...
The license terms with those third party programs apply ...
f them.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property ...
Do you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of ...
Type "accept" to continue or "decline" to back to the pr...
Step no: 3 of 7 | Activation options
Activation requires a serial number and internet connect...
anonymous one-time process which verifies your software ...
enable use of the product.
You can also choose to install the software for evaluati...
at a later time. The software will time out in 30 days.
1. Use existing license [default]
2. I want to activate and install my product
3. I want to evaluate my product or activate later
4. Advanced activation options - for installing if you d...
connection or want to install a counted license
5. View additional information about software activation
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept defau...
Step no: 4 of 7 | Installation Type
Congratulations! You software has been activated. Please...
installation by choosing Typical Install (using all defa...
to change the default install options.
1. Typical Install (Recommended) [default]
2. Custom Install (For Advanced Users)
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept defau...
Step no: 5 of 7 | Configuration summary
Select option "1" below to begin installing files based ...
provided. Use the "b" option to go back to the previous...
to change any of the information below.
Activation Type:
Existing License File
Intel(R) IPP 6.0 Update 2 for Linux* on IA-32 Intel(R...
Install Mode:
1. Install [default]
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept defau...
Step no: 6 of 7 | Installation
Each component will install individually. If you cancel ...
components that have been completely installed will rema...
installation may take several minutes, depending on your...
you selected.
Installing, please wait...
Installing Intel(R) IPP 6.0 Update 2 for Linux* on IA-32...
Intel(R) IPP 6.0 Update 2 for Linux* on IA-32 Intel(R) A...
installed successfully.
Press "Enter" key to continue
Step no: 7 of 7 | Installation complete
Thank you for installing and for using the
Intel(R) IPP 6.0 Update 2 for Linux* on IA-32 Intel(R) A...
Your Subscription Service starts with your activation. C...
account now in order to access free product updates and ...
to product updates and upgrades, you will get access to ...
management and communications, technical support, sample...
Support services start from the time you install or acti...
please be sure to create your support account now in ord...
advantage of your product purchase.
To create your support account, please visit the Subscri...
h. Help
q. Quit [default]
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept defau...
*** 環境設定 [#ie05fb8a]
-- .bashrcに以下を追加
export IPPROOT
% source ~/.bashrc
-- /etc/にファイルを追加
# cd /etc/
# vi ipp.conf
# ldconfig
** サンプルコードのビルド [#lc06ad91]
*** 解凍 [#t628ef1d]
% tar zxvf l_ipp-samples_p_6.0.0.144.tgz
*** ビルド [#n20b53b8]
% cd ipp-samples
% cd audio-video-codecs
% ./
|Test : audio-video-codecs build
|Hostname : bc
|Function : no
|Description : building audio-video-codecs sample
|Class : Information
|Source : /home/bc/work2/ipp-samples/audio-video-co...
|Executable :
Found compiler gcc4 ( autodetect ) is /usr
Compiler environment is loaded
OpenMP support for this compiler: YES
IPP environment found at /opt/intel/ipp/
IPP environment is loaded
All necessary packages and requred compilers are checked
Environment is setup. Build process is started. Please ...
******* umc PASSED
******* vm PASSED
******* vm_plus PASSED
******* aac_dec PASSED
******* aac_dec_int PASSED
******* aac_enc PASSED
******* aac_enc_int PASSED
******* ac3_dec PASSED
******* avi_spl PASSED
******* avs_common PASSED
******* avs_dec PASSED
******* avs_enc PASSED
******* avs_spl PASSED
******* color_space_converter PASSED
******* common PASSED
******* demuxer PASSED
******* dv100_dec PASSED
******* dv100_enc PASSED
******* dv50_dec PASSED
******* dv50_enc PASSED
******* dv_dec PASSED
******* dv_enc PASSED
******* h261_dec PASSED
******* h261_enc PASSED
******* h263_dec PASSED
******* h263_enc PASSED
******* h264_dec PASSED
******* h264_enc PASSED
******* h264_spl PASSED
******* jpeg PASSED
******* me PASSED
******* mp3_dec PASSED
******* mp3_dec_int PASSED
******* mp3_enc PASSED
******* mp3_enc_int PASSED
******* mpeg2_dec PASSED
******* mpeg2_enc PASSED
******* mpeg2_mux PASSED
******* mpeg4_dec PASSED
******* mpeg4_enc PASSED
******* mpeg4_mux PASSED
******* mpeg4_spl PASSED
******* scene_analyzer PASSED
******* spl_common PASSED
******* vc1_common PASSED
******* vc1_dec PASSED
******* vc1_enc PASSED
******* vc1_spl PASSED
******* audio_renders PASSED
******* media_buffers PASSED
******* umc_io PASSED
******* video_renders PASSED
******* umc_pipeline PASSED
******* simple_player PASSED
******* umc_h264_dec_con PASSED
******* umc_video_enc_con PASSED
|-OK audio-video-codecs
-バイナリは _bin/linux32_gcc4/ に作成されます。
-simple_player はMPEG4,MP3,AVI(MJPEG)のファイル等が再生可...
./simple_player 再生したいファイル
- その他のサンプルコード
-- image-codecs : JPEG(2000)
-- data-compression : データ圧縮
-- speech-codecs : 音声コーデック
BC::labsへの質問は、bc9-dev @ までお願い致します。