bc10-router/kernel update
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* Updating bc10-router kernel [#wef870cf]
Use arago-console-image as the boot image of bc10-router....
kernel is specified at the file, which is located at {HOM...
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-stable"
This indicates that {Home}/oe/arago/recipes/linux/linux-s...
3.3.7 stable kernel is cloned from git://git.kernel.org/p...
and two patches will be applied to this downloaded kernel...
The names of the patches are shown below.~
- 0001-ARM-OMAP-Cleanup-Beagleboard-DVI-reset-gpio.patch~
- 0001-ARM-OMAP2-UART-Fix-incorrect-population-of-default...
To use bitbake, the kernel, which is applied to these pat...
Using the default kernel, the performance of bc10-router ...
- Higher network throughputs~
- Faster network connection for wireless LAN~
- Less power consumption~
Since Android equipped smart-phones have become common in...
** Method of updating kernel [#kd577c70]
To update the kernel for bc10, the kernel source code for...
*** RobertCNelson repository [#e9fbbcad]
The build environment is downloaded form RobertCNelson re...
Download the whole build environment from RovertCNellson ...
[[https://github.com/RobertCNelson/linux-dev.git ]]~
$ mkdir {work_dir}
$ cd ~/{work_dir}
$ git clone https://github.com/RobertCNelson/linux-dev.git
$ cd linux-dev
Please execute version.sh to make sure which version of k...
As of writing this document, the end of January 2013, the...
$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
$ git checkout -b am33x-v3.7 remotes/origin/am33x-v3.7
As the build target is shifted from 3.8 to 3.7, the confi...
$ cp system.sh.sample system.sh
As the default, The configurations of ARM GCC CROSS Compi...
#ARM GCC CROSS Compiler: (See hints in Readme, for diffe...
###OPTIONAL: BUILD_UIMAGE: also build uImage vs just zIm...
###OPTIONAL: ZRELADDR: needed when building uImage's.
##For TI: OMAP3/4/AM35xx
Setting PATH to Cross Toolchain of ti-sdk-beagleboard-05....
$ export PATH={HOME}/ti-sdk-beagleboard-
$ ./build_kernel.sh
Executing the command, git clone the kernel source to the...
Then, checkout 3.72 kernel to the directory of ~/{work_di...
Applying patches for ARM, OMAP, and beagleboard, separate...
As Config is completed, the settings are saved (the compl...
$ ls -1
dtbs is required for booting DeviceTree, which is adapted...
Only uImage (3.7.2-bone4.1uImage) and module (3.7.2-bone-...
Once the build process, done with build_kernel.sh, has be...
$ ./tools/rebuild.sh
These created files are copied to the boot image of bc10...
$ sudo -s
# cp 3.7.2-bone4.1.uImage /media/FAT/uImage
# tar xvfz 3.7.2-bone4.1-modules.tar.gz -C /media/EXT3
This is the end of updating to 3.7.2 kernel, which is dow...
*** kernel.org? [#g517e364]
The default kernel of arago project consists of 3.3.7 sta...
This part explains how to update the kernel, which is dis...
First, obtain the newest kernel at the stable branch of k...
$ cd ~/
$ wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/linux...
$ tar xvfj linux-3.7.2.tar.bz2
Set PATH to Toolchain of ti-sdk-beagleboard-
$ export PATH={HOME}/ti-sdk-beagleboard-
To make kernel config similar to default kernel of arago ...
$ cp {HOME}/oe/arago-tmp/work/beagleboard-arago-linux-gn...
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- o...
To configure for 3.7.2 kernel, there are the new setting ...
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- m...
As finishing the configuration, please start the build pr...
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- u...
After the build process of kernel is finished, the kernel...
$ mkdir tmp_install
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- m...
As the provisional installation is completed, tmp_inatall...
The all needed files are uImage of arch/arm/boot/uImage a...
$ sudo -s
# cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /media/FAT/uImage
# cd tmp_install
# cp -a lib/ /media/EXT3/
This is the end of updating process, which is using 3.7....
** Wi-Fi throughput [#s3a232a3]
There is a comparison of throughput between the default v...
bc10-router is booted with the router mode, and level of ...
*** Between bc10-router wlan0 and PC [#s0dc08a9]
Measured by nuttcp~
WAN side: bc10-router nuttcp -S~
LAN side: PC nuttcp
- 3.3.7~
kernel version (Detail)~
# uname -a
Linux bc10-router 3.3.7 #1 Mon Nov 26 22:45:08 JST 2012 ...
# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep BogoMIPS
BogoMIPS : 581.89
Throughput (Average of 10 measurements)~
|n | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| ...
|Mbps |50.7863|55.0793|53.6637|54.0530|52.7941|55.5915|...
|%TX |6 |6 |7 |7 |6 |7 |...
|%RX |23 |25 |24 |24 |24 |25 |...
|retrans|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |...
|msRTT |1.27 |1.62 |1.49 |1.40 |1.33 |1.35 |...
- 3.7.2~
kernel version (Detail)~
# uname -a
Linux bc10-router 3.7.2-bone4.1 #3 Wed Jan 16 14:35:07 J...
# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep BogoMIPS
BogoMIPS : 388.12
Throughput (Average of 10 measurements)~
|n | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| ...
|Mbps |36.3708|37.5193|37.8842|37.2199|37.4805|37.3811|...
|%TX |4 |4 |8 |8 |8 |8 |...
|%RX |25 |27 |28 |27 |26 |27 |...
|retrans|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |...
|msRTT |1.81 |1.92 |1.71 |1.73 |1.84 |2.08 |...
Comparing the averages between two settings, the update o...
Since 3.7 kernel, the kernel for ARM architecture is also...
To seek the performance, better off to use arago-project'...
* Revision History [#pd9ad093]
-2013-07-29 This article is initially uploaded.~
* Updating bc10-router kernel [#wef870cf]
Use arago-console-image as the boot image of bc10-router....
kernel is specified at the file, which is located at {HOM...
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-stable"
This indicates that {Home}/oe/arago/recipes/linux/linux-s...
3.3.7 stable kernel is cloned from git://git.kernel.org/p...
and two patches will be applied to this downloaded kernel...
The names of the patches are shown below.~
- 0001-ARM-OMAP-Cleanup-Beagleboard-DVI-reset-gpio.patch~
- 0001-ARM-OMAP2-UART-Fix-incorrect-population-of-default...
To use bitbake, the kernel, which is applied to these pat...
Using the default kernel, the performance of bc10-router ...
- Higher network throughputs~
- Faster network connection for wireless LAN~
- Less power consumption~
Since Android equipped smart-phones have become common in...
** Method of updating kernel [#kd577c70]
To update the kernel for bc10, the kernel source code for...
*** RobertCNelson repository [#e9fbbcad]
The build environment is downloaded form RobertCNelson re...
Download the whole build environment from RovertCNellson ...
[[https://github.com/RobertCNelson/linux-dev.git ]]~
$ mkdir {work_dir}
$ cd ~/{work_dir}
$ git clone https://github.com/RobertCNelson/linux-dev.git
$ cd linux-dev
Please execute version.sh to make sure which version of k...
As of writing this document, the end of January 2013, the...
$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
$ git checkout -b am33x-v3.7 remotes/origin/am33x-v3.7
As the build target is shifted from 3.8 to 3.7, the confi...
$ cp system.sh.sample system.sh
As the default, The configurations of ARM GCC CROSS Compi...
#ARM GCC CROSS Compiler: (See hints in Readme, for diffe...
###OPTIONAL: BUILD_UIMAGE: also build uImage vs just zIm...
###OPTIONAL: ZRELADDR: needed when building uImage's.
##For TI: OMAP3/4/AM35xx
Setting PATH to Cross Toolchain of ti-sdk-beagleboard-05....
$ export PATH={HOME}/ti-sdk-beagleboard-
$ ./build_kernel.sh
Executing the command, git clone the kernel source to the...
Then, checkout 3.72 kernel to the directory of ~/{work_di...
Applying patches for ARM, OMAP, and beagleboard, separate...
As Config is completed, the settings are saved (the compl...
$ ls -1
dtbs is required for booting DeviceTree, which is adapted...
Only uImage (3.7.2-bone4.1uImage) and module (3.7.2-bone-...
Once the build process, done with build_kernel.sh, has be...
$ ./tools/rebuild.sh
These created files are copied to the boot image of bc10...
$ sudo -s
# cp 3.7.2-bone4.1.uImage /media/FAT/uImage
# tar xvfz 3.7.2-bone4.1-modules.tar.gz -C /media/EXT3
This is the end of updating to 3.7.2 kernel, which is dow...
*** kernel.org? [#g517e364]
The default kernel of arago project consists of 3.3.7 sta...
This part explains how to update the kernel, which is dis...
First, obtain the newest kernel at the stable branch of k...
$ cd ~/
$ wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/linux...
$ tar xvfj linux-3.7.2.tar.bz2
Set PATH to Toolchain of ti-sdk-beagleboard-
$ export PATH={HOME}/ti-sdk-beagleboard-
To make kernel config similar to default kernel of arago ...
$ cp {HOME}/oe/arago-tmp/work/beagleboard-arago-linux-gn...
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- o...
To configure for 3.7.2 kernel, there are the new setting ...
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- m...
As finishing the configuration, please start the build pr...
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- u...
After the build process of kernel is finished, the kernel...
$ mkdir tmp_install
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- m...
As the provisional installation is completed, tmp_inatall...
The all needed files are uImage of arch/arm/boot/uImage a...
$ sudo -s
# cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /media/FAT/uImage
# cd tmp_install
# cp -a lib/ /media/EXT3/
This is the end of updating process, which is using 3.7....
** Wi-Fi throughput [#s3a232a3]
There is a comparison of throughput between the default v...
bc10-router is booted with the router mode, and level of ...
*** Between bc10-router wlan0 and PC [#s0dc08a9]
Measured by nuttcp~
WAN side: bc10-router nuttcp -S~
LAN side: PC nuttcp
- 3.3.7~
kernel version (Detail)~
# uname -a
Linux bc10-router 3.3.7 #1 Mon Nov 26 22:45:08 JST 2012 ...
# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep BogoMIPS
BogoMIPS : 581.89
Throughput (Average of 10 measurements)~
|n | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| ...
|Mbps |50.7863|55.0793|53.6637|54.0530|52.7941|55.5915|...
|%TX |6 |6 |7 |7 |6 |7 |...
|%RX |23 |25 |24 |24 |24 |25 |...
|retrans|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |...
|msRTT |1.27 |1.62 |1.49 |1.40 |1.33 |1.35 |...
- 3.7.2~
kernel version (Detail)~
# uname -a
Linux bc10-router 3.7.2-bone4.1 #3 Wed Jan 16 14:35:07 J...
# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep BogoMIPS
BogoMIPS : 388.12
Throughput (Average of 10 measurements)~
|n | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| ...
|Mbps |36.3708|37.5193|37.8842|37.2199|37.4805|37.3811|...
|%TX |4 |4 |8 |8 |8 |8 |...
|%RX |25 |27 |28 |27 |26 |27 |...
|retrans|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |...
|msRTT |1.81 |1.92 |1.71 |1.73 |1.84 |2.08 |...
Comparing the averages between two settings, the update o...
Since 3.7 kernel, the kernel for ARM architecture is also...
To seek the performance, better off to use arago-project'...
* Revision History [#pd9ad093]
-2013-07-29 This article is initially uploaded.~