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[[bc10]] ~
[[bc10-router]] ~
* bc10-router [#f9835c35]
This project is aimed at creating a router based on bc10....
This article provides the overview of this project and li...
** List of Major Parts [#p8be1991]
The most parts, which are used for creating bc10-router, ...
- bc10 x 1
- AC Adapter x 1
- 4-port USB AC powered hub x 1
- Wireless LAN USB adapter (WLI-UC-AG300N) x 1
- LAN USB adapter (WAN side: LUA3-U2-TAX) x 1
*** List of Device IDs and Drivers for Major Parts [#s525...
Device ID and driver for each USB network device are list...
- Wireless LAN USB adapter~
|Product Name|Vendor ID|Product ID|Driver|h
- LAN USB adapter~
|Product Name|Vendor ID|Product ID|Driver|h
|LUA3-U2-ATX|0b95|7720|AX88772 USB|
**List of Features and Applications [#n7dfa3c5]
The features of bc10-router and their corresponding appli...
|Name of Feature|Application used for Feature|h
|Wireless LAN Access Point Function|hostapd|
|Mode Switching Function (router /bridge)|Scripts|
|DHCP Daemon Function (LAN side)|dnsmasq|
|DHCP Client Function (WAN side)|udhcpc|
|Bridge Function|brctl|
|NAT/NAPT Function|iptables|
|DNS Function|dnsmasq, resolve.conf|
|Packet Filter Function|iptables|
|Security Filter Function|kernel function, iptables|
|SSHD Function|dropbear|
|USB Device Managing Function|udev, usb-modeswitch|
|Ethernet Cable Insertion and Removal Monitoring|ifplugd|
** About Build Machine [#s4223283]
To create an image of bc10-router, a build machine is nee...
- CPU: Coi7 2.93GHz~
- Memory: 8GB~
- OS: Ubuntu 10.04 (64bit)~
-- kernel: 2.6.32-43-generic~
** Build System [#x2d080a8]
To create the image of bc10-router, these two build syst...
*** arago-project [#s2626ff9]
This is a part of OpenEmbedded Linux Project, which is ma...
*** buildroot [#oe7778ca]
This project is managed by buildroot, which provides a se...
** To measure the network performance [#m2e760bf]
The network performance of bc10-router is measured, and t...
** To Update System [#bca8138a]
To improve the network performance of bc10-router, the im...
As linux kernel is updated, u-boot, which is the second b...
*** tftpboot [#o509ba2e]
As kernel is frequently updated, such as in a development...
** Power Management [#p63d0114]
This article reports the operation verification for the p...
*** cpufreq [#u541da84]
The results of the examination of cpufreq, the dynamic op...
*** Suspend / Resume [#s9e511f3]
This section examines the details of Suspend/Resume of OM...
* Revision History [#s6702c19]
- 2013/07/04 This article is initially updated~
[[bc10]] ~
[[bc10-router]] ~
* bc10-router [#f9835c35]
This project is aimed at creating a router based on bc10....
This article provides the overview of this project and li...
** List of Major Parts [#p8be1991]
The most parts, which are used for creating bc10-router, ...
- bc10 x 1
- AC Adapter x 1
- 4-port USB AC powered hub x 1
- Wireless LAN USB adapter (WLI-UC-AG300N) x 1
- LAN USB adapter (WAN side: LUA3-U2-TAX) x 1
*** List of Device IDs and Drivers for Major Parts [#s525...
Device ID and driver for each USB network device are list...
- Wireless LAN USB adapter~
|Product Name|Vendor ID|Product ID|Driver|h
- LAN USB adapter~
|Product Name|Vendor ID|Product ID|Driver|h
|LUA3-U2-ATX|0b95|7720|AX88772 USB|
**List of Features and Applications [#n7dfa3c5]
The features of bc10-router and their corresponding appli...
|Name of Feature|Application used for Feature|h
|Wireless LAN Access Point Function|hostapd|
|Mode Switching Function (router /bridge)|Scripts|
|DHCP Daemon Function (LAN side)|dnsmasq|
|DHCP Client Function (WAN side)|udhcpc|
|Bridge Function|brctl|
|NAT/NAPT Function|iptables|
|DNS Function|dnsmasq, resolve.conf|
|Packet Filter Function|iptables|
|Security Filter Function|kernel function, iptables|
|SSHD Function|dropbear|
|USB Device Managing Function|udev, usb-modeswitch|
|Ethernet Cable Insertion and Removal Monitoring|ifplugd|
** About Build Machine [#s4223283]
To create an image of bc10-router, a build machine is nee...
- CPU: Coi7 2.93GHz~
- Memory: 8GB~
- OS: Ubuntu 10.04 (64bit)~
-- kernel: 2.6.32-43-generic~
** Build System [#x2d080a8]
To create the image of bc10-router, these two build syst...
*** arago-project [#s2626ff9]
This is a part of OpenEmbedded Linux Project, which is ma...
*** buildroot [#oe7778ca]
This project is managed by buildroot, which provides a se...
** To measure the network performance [#m2e760bf]
The network performance of bc10-router is measured, and t...
** To Update System [#bca8138a]
To improve the network performance of bc10-router, the im...
As linux kernel is updated, u-boot, which is the second b...
*** tftpboot [#o509ba2e]
As kernel is frequently updated, such as in a development...
** Power Management [#p63d0114]
This article reports the operation verification for the p...
*** cpufreq [#u541da84]
The results of the examination of cpufreq, the dynamic op...
*** Suspend / Resume [#s9e511f3]
This section examines the details of Suspend/Resume of OM...
* Revision History [#s6702c19]
- 2013/07/04 This article is initially updated~