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* Outline [#pe8cd498]
This article explains how to build ?android-2.3.2_r1? for...
The directions of the building process are shown below.
+ Building the development environment in which '''build'...
+ Obtaining the source code of the android open source pr...
+ Building bc10-kernel and the kernel module for USB wifi
+ Adding patches, and modifying android for bc10
+ Building android
+ Installing SGX SDK
+ Writing into SD card
* Creating build environment. [#x0ec48e1]
The requirements for the development environment are show...
- OS: Ubuntu 10.04 (64bit version)
- JAVA: java 1.6x
- Android: android-2.3.2_r1
COLOR(red){Android 2.3 (Gingerbread ) or newer versions ...
This section follows the instructions of [[?Setting up yo...
** java6 [#n3a03865]
Applying the commands below, obtain the sun java package ...
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical....
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb-src http://archive.canoni...
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
$ sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
** Installing package [#c7003686]
> Using a command line below, pick up the required packag...
(Actually, the command line show below is one line, the b...
$ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf b...
gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-...
x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32readline5-dev lib32z-...
* Obtaining android source [#v10768d1]
** Configuration of repository [#fb6bdf27]
To obtain the source code of Android, set up '''repo'''.
$ cd ~
$ mkdir bin
$ curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
To take PATH to '''~/bin''', you just log-out Ubuntu once...
$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
** Initializing repo [#y49a659f]
Create the working directory called '''bc10''', execute '...
$ cd ~/
$ mkdir bc10
$ cd bc10
$ repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/man...
** repo sync [#sdbc84d2]
After executing '''repo init''', run '''repo sync'''. The...
$ repo sync
The size of file is roughly 5GB. It takes time to downloa...
* Building kernel [#w24fb237]
To turn on/off Wifi from UI of android, the kernel module...
** Configuring environment variable [#qec3688f]
'''x-loader''', '''u-boot''', and '''kernel''', which ar...
To let '''arm cross toolchain''' do cross compile during ...
$ export PATH=/home/beat/bc10/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolcha...
$ export ARCH=arm
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-
** kernel [#t6985412]
$ cd ~/
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/~bc-dev/rowboat/bc10-row...
$ cd ~/bc10-rowboat-kernel/
Change to the release branch for bc10.
If you need only wifi module, you can omit '''make module...
$ git checkout -t -b bc10-2.6.32 origin/bc10-2.6.32
$ make omap3_bc10_defconfig
$ make uImage
$ make modules
After the build process is completed, '''uImage''' is cre...
$ ls ~/bc10-rowboat-kernel/arch/arm/boot/
Image Makefile bootp compressed install.sh uImage ...
* Building USB Wifi (RT3070USB) driver [#kb9d6a8a]
To use an USB Wifi device, install the drivers for RT3070...
The devices that have confirmed to work with bc10 are lis...
| Maker | Serial Number | Vendor ID | Device ID | Memo |h
| PLANEX | [[GW-USMicroN-G>http://www.planex.co.jp/produ...
| Logitec | [[LAN-W150N/U2IPH>http://www.pro.logitec.co.j...
| Logitec | [[LAN-W150N/U2BK>http://www.pro.logitec.co.jp...
| Buffalo | [[WLI-UC-GNM>http://buffalo.jp/product/wirele...
| Buffalo | [[WLI-UC-G301N>http://buffalo.jp/products/cat...
| Buffalo | [[WLI-UC-GN>http://buffalo.jp/products/catalo...
The driver used here is a Linux driver, which is listed a...
To build the drover, employ the same cross toolchain,whic...
To apply a patch, the toolchain can cross compile for bc1...
- Adding the specific compiler configuration for bc10 (pl...
- Modifying the firmware. The region is set for ?Japan,? ...
- Vender ID and product ID of USB Wifi are added.
To check the effect of the patch, you can see the differe...
diff -urN 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO...
After applying the command line above, the modified sourc...
The difference is shown below. (?---? or ?-?indicates re...
- Modifications for bc10 configuration
--- 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO/Makef...
+++ 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO-bc10/...
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
#PLATFORM: Target platform
@@ -176,6 +177,11 @@
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),BC10)
+LINUX_SRC = /home/beat/bc10-rowboat-kernel
+CROSS_COMPILE = /home/beat/bc10/prebuilt/linux-x86/tool...
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),IXP)
LINUX_SRC = /project/stable/Gmtek/snapgear-uclibc/linux...
CROSS_COMPILE = arm-linux-
@@ -384,6 +390,9 @@
cp -f $(RT28xx_DIR)/os/linux/rtnet$(CHIPSET)apsta...
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),BC10)
cp -f $(RT28xx_DIR)/os/linux/rt$(CHIPSET)sta.ko ...
ifeq ($(OSABL),YES)
cp -f $(RT28xx_DIR)/os/linux/rtutil$(CHIPSET)sta...
@@ -392,6 +401,7 @@
- The changes for the regional setting and configurations
--- 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO/RT287...
+++ 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO-bc10/...
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#The word of "Default" must not be removed
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
- Adding Vender_ID:Device_ID
--- 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO/os/li...
+++ 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO-bc10/...
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# Support Wpa_Supplicant
# Support Native WpaSupplicant for Network Maganger
@@ -415,6 +415,10 @@
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),BC10)
+EXTRA_CFLAGS := $(WFLAGS) -I$(RT28xx_DIR)/include -DMOD...
#If the kernel version of RMI is newer than 2.6.27, ple...
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),RMI)
-I$(RT28xx_DIR)/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-...
-mno-abicalls -mlong-calls -pipe -finline-limit=100000 ...
-march=xlr -ffreestanding -march=xlr -Wa,--trap, -nost...
- Adding GPL flags (Without these flags, '''insmod''' can...
--- 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO/os/li...
+++ 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO-bc10/...
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
/* Otherwise post to forum in ralinktech's web site(www...
MODULE_AUTHOR("Paul Lin <paul_lin@ralinktech.com>");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("RT2870 Wireless Lan Linux Driver");
The extension of the distributed source archive is denote...
$ cd ~/
$ tar xvfz 2011_0107_RT3070__RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_D...
$ patch -p0 < RT3070-
$ cd 2011_0107_RT3070__RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO/
$ make
$ ls -l os/linux/rt3070sta.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 8809768 2011-01-30 21:58 rt3070st...
After the '''make''' process is completed, '''rt3070sta.k...
* Obtaining the additional files for bc10 [#jf9fc690]
To building '''android-2.3.2_r1''' for bc10, apply '''git...
** alsa_sound [#jcaf78d8]
Use the commands below, '''also_sound''' is added to '''a...
$ cd ~bc10/hardware/
$ git clone git://github.com/bc-dev/2.3-hardware-alsa_so...
** alsa-lib and also-utils [#h6f0c1b9]
To apply the commands, alsa-lib and alsa-utils are includ...
$ cd ~/bc10/external/
$ git clone git://github.com/bc-dev/2.3-external-alsa-li...
$ git clone git://github.com/bc-dev/2.3-external-alsa-li...
** bc10 device build files [#fccd21a0]
To apply the commands show below, the build configuration...
$ cd ~/bc10/device
$ git clone git://github.com/bc-dev/2.3-device-beatcraft....
* Application of patch and location of files [#l9f4bef8]
This patch is not for adding files to the source, but thi...
** Obtaining patch [#he06eb4f]
To employ the commands shown below, obtain patch files.
$ cd ~/
$ git clone git://github.com/bc-dev/2.3-patches.git
** wpa_supplicant_6 [#r697df82]
Apply a patch to '''wpa_supplicant_6'''. This patch make...
$ cd ~/bc10/external/wpa_supplicant_6
$ cp ~/2.3-patches/external-wpa_supplicant_6.diff .
$ patch -p1 < external-wpa_supplicant_6.diff
** ti omap3 [#rfed05e3]
As bc10 is equipped with OMP3530, it is recognized as '''...
$ cd ~/bc10/hardware/ti/omap3
$ cd ~/2.3-patches/hardware-ti-omap3.diff
$ patch -p1 < hardware-ti-omap3.diff
** Placing USB Wifi driver [#n368aeb1]
Copy the patched firmwares and the drier of RT3070USB, wh...
$ cd ~/bc10/2011_0107_RT3070__RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_...
$ cp os/linux/rt3070sta.ko ~/bc10/device/beatcraft/bc10/
$ cp RT2870STA.dat ~/bc10/device/beatcraft/bc10/
Each file placed in this directory is copied to its appr...
The prebuilt images of '''uImage''', '''RT3070sta.ko''', ...
Now, the preparation for the build process is completed.~
* Building Android [#s6a6c1df]
Setting up the environment variables of bc10 for building...
$ cd ~/bc10
$ source build/envsetup.sh
including device/beatcraft/bc10/vendorsetup.sh
including device/htc/passion/vendorsetup.sh
including device/samsung/crespo/vendorsetup.sh
$ lunch
You're building on Linux
Lunch menu... pick a combo:
1. generic-eng
2. simulator
3. full_bc10-eng
4. full_passion-userdebug
5. full_crespo-userdebug
Which would you like? [generic-eng] [3] ← input 3 ...
After checking the configuration, execute '''make'''.
$ make
As '''make''' is executed, the number of CPU's cores can...
- Example:
$ time make showcommands -j2 2>&1 | tee make.log-2011020...
* Additional build [#af4667a3]
The building process described above is completed, execut...
$ cd ~/bc10/device/beatcraft/bc10/libgps
$ mm
$ cd ~/bc10/device/beatcraft/bc10/libsensors
$ mm
*Creating image [#v7c28b8d]
The built file is housed at the directory of '''out/targ...
$ cd ~/bc10/out/target/product/bc10
$ ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 8 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 20:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 19:47 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 11 2011-02-01 19:47 andro...
drwxrwxrwx 8 root root 4096 2011-02-01 20:32 bc10-...
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 3727 2011-02-01 20:23 clean...
drwxr-xr-x 3 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 19:53 data
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 22633 2011-02-01 20:02 insta...
drwxr-xr-x 14 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 20:02 obj
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 230 2011-02-01 20:23 previ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 142336 2011-02-01 19:57 ramdi...
drwxr-xr-x 8 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 19:57 root
drwxr-xr-x 5 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 19:57 symbols
drwxr-xr-x 12 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 19:58 system
-rw------- 1 beat beat 104951616 2011-02-01 20:02 syste...
-rw------- 1 beat beat 1482624 2011-02-01 19:53 userd...
Applying the commands below, move userland to the bootabl...
$ mkdir bc10-image
$ cp -afr root/* bc10-image/
$ cp -afr system/*
$ sudo chown -R root.root bc10-image/
$ sudo chmod -R 777 bc10-image/
After userland is relocated, its contents are shown below.
$ cd bc10-image
$ ls -al
drwxrwxrwx 8 root root 4096 2011-02-01 20:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 20:29 ..
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-02-01 19:47 data
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 118 2011-02-01 19:47 default.p...
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-02-01 19:47 dev
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 904 2011-02-01 15:35 gps_init.sh
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 90084 2011-02-01 19:57 init
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1677 2011-02-01 14:27 init.gold...
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 917 2011-02-01 15:08 init.omap...
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15018 2011-02-01 17:15 init.rc
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-02-01 19:47 proc
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-02-01 19:57 sbin
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-02-01 19:47 sys
drwxrwxrwx 12 root root 4096 2011-02-01 20:30 system
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2011-02-01 14:27 ueventd.g...
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 231 2011-02-01 15:08 ueventd.o...
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3764 2011-02-01 14:27 ueventd.rc
* Installing SGX SDK [#bec05e13]
To apply the same method as [[bc10/froyo]], obtain TI And...
- Whole process takes quite long time.
- If you have already downloaded and installed '''OMAP35x...
- As changing a part of kernel and/or Android userland, ...
$ cd ~
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/rowboat/ti_android_sgx_s...
$ cd ti_android_sgx_sdk/
$ ./OMAP35x_Android_Graphics_SDK_setuplinux_3_01_00_03.b...
The location of install directory is asked. In this examp...
[[To download TI's Android SGX SDK]]
** Modifying Rules.make [#k2c4f6c4]
In the file of '''Rules.make''', ?Home?, ?GRAPHICS_INSTA...
$ cd ~/OMAP35x_Android_Graphics_SDK_3_01_00_03
--- Rules.make 2011-01-05 14:20:43.863788943 +0900
+++ Rules.make-orig 2011-01-05 14:17:04.661291128 +0...
@@ -4,24 +4,20 @@ PLATFORM=LinuxOMAP3
################# FIELDS MODIFIABLE BY THE USER #######...
#set home area HOME (relative location for all SDK oper...
#Current Directory where Graphics SDK is installed
#Android Specific
#Path of Android Root FS
#set toolchain root path for arm-eabi
#set the kernel installation path
In this example, the setting of directories are determine...
After '''Rules.make''' are modified, execute '''make''' a...
$ make
$ make OMAPES=3.x install
* Building other files [#zf7ce007]
** u-boot [#z985366d]
Because of updating, '''u-boot-bc10''' is modified for in...
$ cd ~/
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/bc10/u-boot-bc10.git u-b...
$ cd u-boot-bc10/
$ make mrproper
$ make omap3_bc10_config
$ make
The configuration, which treats AMOLED as the default val...
u-boot-bc10/include/configs$ vi omap3_bc10.h
"loadaddr=0x82000000\0" \
"usbtty=cdc_acm\0" \
"console=ttyS2,115200n8\0" \
"androidconsole=ttyS2\0" \
"mem=256M\0" \
"vram=12M\0" \
"dvimode=1024x768MR-24@60\0" \
"defaultdisplay=lcd\0" \
"mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw\0" \
"mmcrootfstype=ext3 rootwait\0" \
"nandroot=/dev/mtdblock4 rw\0" \
This resembles the configuration of '''boot.scr'''.
if fatload mmc 0 84000000 uImage
echo ***** Kernel: /dev/mmcblk0p1/uImage.bin *****
echo ***** RootFS: /dev/mmcblk0p2 *****
setenv bootargs 'mem=256M androidboot.console=ttyS2 cons...
console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 init=/init ro...
bootm 84000000
(Caution)From '''setenv bootargs''' to '''disp=lcd''', th...
After the build process is finished, '''u-boot.bin''' is ...
** x-loader [#g0060a3a]
To apply the commands shown below, obtain and build the s...
$ cd ~/
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/~bc-dev/x-load-omap3/x-l...
$ cd x-load-bc10/
$ git checkout -t -b bc10 origin/bc10
$ make omap3530bc10_config
$ make
Since the specifications and format of '''x-load.bin''' d...
$ signGP x-load.bin
'''x-load.bin.ift''', which is produced in the build proc...
Please look at the section of ?Creating a bootable SD car...
$ mv x-load.bin.ift MLO
* Creating bootable SD card [#f89b7d91]
This article is originally published at the [[Create boot...
The partitions of SD card and the files contained in thes...
- FAT32 Partition
-- X-Loader
-- U-Boot
-- Linux kernel (Android Version)
- Linux Partition
-- Android root file system
The working environment is assumed to be Linux.~
The directions of process is shown below.~
+ Initializing and configuring the partitions
+ Formatting file system
+ Placing files
These instructions are based upon [[LinuxBootDiskFormat (...
** Unmounting SD card [#a30435c3]
To start working on a SD card, please unmount the SD card...
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1 400M 94M 307M 24% /media/disk
Then, unmount the SD card.
$ umount /media/disk
** Initializing and configuring partition [#z1d7338f]
To use '''fdisk''' command, obtain the basic information ...
$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdc
Command (m for help): [p]
Disk /dev/sdc: 2021 MB, 2021654528 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 245 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id ...
/dev/sdc1 * 1 246 1974240+ c ...
Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:
phys=(244, 254, 63) logical=(245, 200, 19)
Write dow the number of bytes on the SD card. This numbe...
(In this example, it is 2021654528.)
Erase all partitions
Command (m for help): [d]
Selected partition 1
Turn to expert mode.
Command (m for help): [x]
According to the results of '''fdisk''', the number of he...
Expert Command (m for help): [h]
Number of heads (1-256, default xxx): [255]
Also, from the outputs of '''fdisk''', the number of sect...
Expert Command (m for help): [s]
Number of sectors (1-63, default xxx): [63]
The number of cylinders highly depends on a SD card. The ...
#cylinders = FLOOR(the number of Bytes on the SD Card/#h...
#some is used for calculating units in the results of ?f...
In this example it will be ?512?.
The application of this figure is shown below.
2021654528 / 255 / 63 / 512 = 245.79
-> 245
The number of cylinders for this example is 245
Expert Command (m for help): [c]
Number of cylinders (1-256, default xxx): [245]
Go back to the normal mode
Expert Command (m for help): [r]
Create FAT32 partition
Command (m for help): [n]
Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): [1]
First cylinder (1-245, default 1): [(press Enter)]
Using default value 1
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-245, defau...
Command (m for help): [t]
Selected partition 1
Hex code (type L to list codes): [c]
Changed system type of partition 1 to c (W95 FAT32 (LBA))
Configure the boot flags
Command (m for help): [a]
Partition number (1-4): [1]
Create Linux file system system partition
Command (m for help): [n]
Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): [2]
First cylinder (52-245, default 52): [(press Enter)]
Using default value 52
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (52-245, defa...
Using default value 245
Check up the configurations of the partitions.
Command (m for help): [p]
Disk /dev/sdc: 2021 MB, 2021654528 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 245 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id ...
/dev/sdc1 * 1 51 409626 c ...
/dev/sdc2 52 245 1558305 83 ...
Save the change in the partition table.
Command (m for help): [w]
The partition table has been altered!
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with erro...
The kernel still uses the old table.
The new table will be used at the next reboot.
WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x
partitions, please see the fdisk manual page for additio...
Syncing disks.
** Formatting file system [#xe0a6f11]
FAT32 partition and Linux partition are formatted separat...
In the commands shown below, ?FAT32? and ?EXT3? define th...
$ [sudo mkfs.msdos -F 32 /dev/sdc1 -n FAT32]
mkfs.msdos 2.11 (12 Mar 2005)
$ [sudo mkfs.ext3 -L EXT3 /dev/sdc2]
mke2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
1 95072 inodes, 389576 blocks
19 478 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
Fir st data block=0
Ma ximum filesystem blocks=402653184
12 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
16256 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (8192 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting informatio...
* Writing files into SD card [#v0919cd9]
** Placing files on FAT32 partition [#f363d48a]
There are several restrictions on the instillation of '''...
- After formatting FAT32 partition, MLO is placed first.
- Put it at the top directory inside the partition.
$ cd ~/bc10/x-load-bc10/
$ sudo cp MLO /media/FAT32/
Other files do not have any restrictions. Just copy the f...
$ cd ~/bc10/u-boot-bc10/
$ sudo cp u-boot.bin /media/FAT32/
$ cd ~/bc10/bc10-rowboat-kernel/arch/arm/boot/
$ sudo cp uImage /media/FAT32/
If you have made mistakes on this process, or any process...
** Put files on EXT3 partition [#zf034ce1]
There are no specific regulations on how to place the fi...
$ cd ~/bc10/out/target/product/bc10/bc10-image/
$ sudo cp -a * /media/EXT3/
This is the end of copying the bootable image to a SD car...
Please do '''sync''' first, then, unmount the SD card.
$ sudo sync
$ umount /media/EXT3
$ umount /media/FAT32
* Booting from SD card [#l3ca8110]
Insert the prepared SD card into the SD card slot of bc10...
This is the end of the creating the bootable image of And...
* Remarks [#uaf4bd8b]
** Allocation of buttons [#va20d1e3]
bc10 does have 7 buttons at both sides. Please In Figure ...
1. Menu
2. Back
3. Home
4. Up
5. Left
6. Right
7. Down
** boot.scr [#m8f61a0e]
As updating '''u-boot-bc10''', the configuration, which A...
$ cd ~
$ vi boot.script
if fatload mmc 0 84000000 uImage
echo ***** Kernel: /dev/mmcblk0p1/uImage.bin *****
echo ***** RootFS: /dev/mmcblk0p2 *****
setenv bootargs 'mem=256M androidboot.console=ttyS2 con...
console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 init=/init r...
bootm 84000000
(Caution) From '''setenv bootargs''' to '''disp=lcd' ''...
command, please type as a single line command.
$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n...
To connect to an external LDE display via MDMI-DVI connec...
if fatload mmc 0 84000000 uImage
echo ***** Kernel: /dev/mmcblk0p1/uImage.bin *****
setenv bootargs 'mem=256M androidboot.console=ttyS2 cons...
console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 init=/init ro...
omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x768MR-24@60 omapdss.def_disp=dvi'
bootm 84000000
(Caution) From '''setenv bootargs''' to '''disp=lcd' '...
command, please type as a single line command.
To fond the detail information of '''omapfb.mode''' and '...
* Reference [#ef6c627d]
- How to install SGX
-- [[rowboat ConfigureAndBuild>http://code.google.com/p/r...
- About USB Wifi
-- [[[Armadillo:06309] Re: About Wireless LAN, which Arma...
* Revision History [#z20db28a]
2011/04/01 This article is initially published
* Outline [#pe8cd498]
This article explains how to build ?android-2.3.2_r1? for...
The directions of the building process are shown below.
+ Building the development environment in which '''build'...
+ Obtaining the source code of the android open source pr...
+ Building bc10-kernel and the kernel module for USB wifi
+ Adding patches, and modifying android for bc10
+ Building android
+ Installing SGX SDK
+ Writing into SD card
* Creating build environment. [#x0ec48e1]
The requirements for the development environment are show...
- OS: Ubuntu 10.04 (64bit version)
- JAVA: java 1.6x
- Android: android-2.3.2_r1
COLOR(red){Android 2.3 (Gingerbread ) or newer versions ...
This section follows the instructions of [[?Setting up yo...
** java6 [#n3a03865]
Applying the commands below, obtain the sun java package ...
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical....
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb-src http://archive.canoni...
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
$ sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
** Installing package [#c7003686]
> Using a command line below, pick up the required packag...
(Actually, the command line show below is one line, the b...
$ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf b...
gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-...
x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32readline5-dev lib32z-...
* Obtaining android source [#v10768d1]
** Configuration of repository [#fb6bdf27]
To obtain the source code of Android, set up '''repo'''.
$ cd ~
$ mkdir bin
$ curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
To take PATH to '''~/bin''', you just log-out Ubuntu once...
$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
** Initializing repo [#y49a659f]
Create the working directory called '''bc10''', execute '...
$ cd ~/
$ mkdir bc10
$ cd bc10
$ repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/man...
** repo sync [#sdbc84d2]
After executing '''repo init''', run '''repo sync'''. The...
$ repo sync
The size of file is roughly 5GB. It takes time to downloa...
* Building kernel [#w24fb237]
To turn on/off Wifi from UI of android, the kernel module...
** Configuring environment variable [#qec3688f]
'''x-loader''', '''u-boot''', and '''kernel''', which ar...
To let '''arm cross toolchain''' do cross compile during ...
$ export PATH=/home/beat/bc10/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolcha...
$ export ARCH=arm
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-
** kernel [#t6985412]
$ cd ~/
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/~bc-dev/rowboat/bc10-row...
$ cd ~/bc10-rowboat-kernel/
Change to the release branch for bc10.
If you need only wifi module, you can omit '''make module...
$ git checkout -t -b bc10-2.6.32 origin/bc10-2.6.32
$ make omap3_bc10_defconfig
$ make uImage
$ make modules
After the build process is completed, '''uImage''' is cre...
$ ls ~/bc10-rowboat-kernel/arch/arm/boot/
Image Makefile bootp compressed install.sh uImage ...
* Building USB Wifi (RT3070USB) driver [#kb9d6a8a]
To use an USB Wifi device, install the drivers for RT3070...
The devices that have confirmed to work with bc10 are lis...
| Maker | Serial Number | Vendor ID | Device ID | Memo |h
| PLANEX | [[GW-USMicroN-G>http://www.planex.co.jp/produ...
| Logitec | [[LAN-W150N/U2IPH>http://www.pro.logitec.co.j...
| Logitec | [[LAN-W150N/U2BK>http://www.pro.logitec.co.jp...
| Buffalo | [[WLI-UC-GNM>http://buffalo.jp/product/wirele...
| Buffalo | [[WLI-UC-G301N>http://buffalo.jp/products/cat...
| Buffalo | [[WLI-UC-GN>http://buffalo.jp/products/catalo...
The driver used here is a Linux driver, which is listed a...
To build the drover, employ the same cross toolchain,whic...
To apply a patch, the toolchain can cross compile for bc1...
- Adding the specific compiler configuration for bc10 (pl...
- Modifying the firmware. The region is set for ?Japan,? ...
- Vender ID and product ID of USB Wifi are added.
To check the effect of the patch, you can see the differe...
diff -urN 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO...
After applying the command line above, the modified sourc...
The difference is shown below. (?---? or ?-?indicates re...
- Modifications for bc10 configuration
--- 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO/Makef...
+++ 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO-bc10/...
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
#PLATFORM: Target platform
@@ -176,6 +177,11 @@
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),BC10)
+LINUX_SRC = /home/beat/bc10-rowboat-kernel
+CROSS_COMPILE = /home/beat/bc10/prebuilt/linux-x86/tool...
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),IXP)
LINUX_SRC = /project/stable/Gmtek/snapgear-uclibc/linux...
CROSS_COMPILE = arm-linux-
@@ -384,6 +390,9 @@
cp -f $(RT28xx_DIR)/os/linux/rtnet$(CHIPSET)apsta...
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),BC10)
cp -f $(RT28xx_DIR)/os/linux/rt$(CHIPSET)sta.ko ...
ifeq ($(OSABL),YES)
cp -f $(RT28xx_DIR)/os/linux/rtutil$(CHIPSET)sta...
@@ -392,6 +401,7 @@
- The changes for the regional setting and configurations
--- 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO/RT287...
+++ 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO-bc10/...
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#The word of "Default" must not be removed
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
- Adding Vender_ID:Device_ID
--- 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO/os/li...
+++ 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO-bc10/...
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# Support Wpa_Supplicant
# Support Native WpaSupplicant for Network Maganger
@@ -415,6 +415,10 @@
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),BC10)
+EXTRA_CFLAGS := $(WFLAGS) -I$(RT28xx_DIR)/include -DMOD...
#If the kernel version of RMI is newer than 2.6.27, ple...
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),RMI)
-I$(RT28xx_DIR)/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-...
-mno-abicalls -mlong-calls -pipe -finline-limit=100000 ...
-march=xlr -ffreestanding -march=xlr -Wa,--trap, -nost...
- Adding GPL flags (Without these flags, '''insmod''' can...
--- 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO/os/li...
+++ 2011_0107_RT3070_RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO-bc10/...
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
/* Otherwise post to forum in ralinktech's web site(www...
MODULE_AUTHOR("Paul Lin <paul_lin@ralinktech.com>");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("RT2870 Wireless Lan Linux Driver");
The extension of the distributed source archive is denote...
$ cd ~/
$ tar xvfz 2011_0107_RT3070__RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_D...
$ patch -p0 < RT3070-
$ cd 2011_0107_RT3070__RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_DPO/
$ make
$ ls -l os/linux/rt3070sta.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 8809768 2011-01-30 21:58 rt3070st...
After the '''make''' process is completed, '''rt3070sta.k...
* Obtaining the additional files for bc10 [#jf9fc690]
To building '''android-2.3.2_r1''' for bc10, apply '''git...
** alsa_sound [#jcaf78d8]
Use the commands below, '''also_sound''' is added to '''a...
$ cd ~bc10/hardware/
$ git clone git://github.com/bc-dev/2.3-hardware-alsa_so...
** alsa-lib and also-utils [#h6f0c1b9]
To apply the commands, alsa-lib and alsa-utils are includ...
$ cd ~/bc10/external/
$ git clone git://github.com/bc-dev/2.3-external-alsa-li...
$ git clone git://github.com/bc-dev/2.3-external-alsa-li...
** bc10 device build files [#fccd21a0]
To apply the commands show below, the build configuration...
$ cd ~/bc10/device
$ git clone git://github.com/bc-dev/2.3-device-beatcraft....
* Application of patch and location of files [#l9f4bef8]
This patch is not for adding files to the source, but thi...
** Obtaining patch [#he06eb4f]
To employ the commands shown below, obtain patch files.
$ cd ~/
$ git clone git://github.com/bc-dev/2.3-patches.git
** wpa_supplicant_6 [#r697df82]
Apply a patch to '''wpa_supplicant_6'''. This patch make...
$ cd ~/bc10/external/wpa_supplicant_6
$ cp ~/2.3-patches/external-wpa_supplicant_6.diff .
$ patch -p1 < external-wpa_supplicant_6.diff
** ti omap3 [#rfed05e3]
As bc10 is equipped with OMP3530, it is recognized as '''...
$ cd ~/bc10/hardware/ti/omap3
$ cd ~/2.3-patches/hardware-ti-omap3.diff
$ patch -p1 < hardware-ti-omap3.diff
** Placing USB Wifi driver [#n368aeb1]
Copy the patched firmwares and the drier of RT3070USB, wh...
$ cd ~/bc10/2011_0107_RT3070__RT3370_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.1_...
$ cp os/linux/rt3070sta.ko ~/bc10/device/beatcraft/bc10/
$ cp RT2870STA.dat ~/bc10/device/beatcraft/bc10/
Each file placed in this directory is copied to its appr...
The prebuilt images of '''uImage''', '''RT3070sta.ko''', ...
Now, the preparation for the build process is completed.~
* Building Android [#s6a6c1df]
Setting up the environment variables of bc10 for building...
$ cd ~/bc10
$ source build/envsetup.sh
including device/beatcraft/bc10/vendorsetup.sh
including device/htc/passion/vendorsetup.sh
including device/samsung/crespo/vendorsetup.sh
$ lunch
You're building on Linux
Lunch menu... pick a combo:
1. generic-eng
2. simulator
3. full_bc10-eng
4. full_passion-userdebug
5. full_crespo-userdebug
Which would you like? [generic-eng] [3] ← input 3 ...
After checking the configuration, execute '''make'''.
$ make
As '''make''' is executed, the number of CPU's cores can...
- Example:
$ time make showcommands -j2 2>&1 | tee make.log-2011020...
* Additional build [#af4667a3]
The building process described above is completed, execut...
$ cd ~/bc10/device/beatcraft/bc10/libgps
$ mm
$ cd ~/bc10/device/beatcraft/bc10/libsensors
$ mm
*Creating image [#v7c28b8d]
The built file is housed at the directory of '''out/targ...
$ cd ~/bc10/out/target/product/bc10
$ ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 8 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 20:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 19:47 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 11 2011-02-01 19:47 andro...
drwxrwxrwx 8 root root 4096 2011-02-01 20:32 bc10-...
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 3727 2011-02-01 20:23 clean...
drwxr-xr-x 3 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 19:53 data
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 22633 2011-02-01 20:02 insta...
drwxr-xr-x 14 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 20:02 obj
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 230 2011-02-01 20:23 previ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat 142336 2011-02-01 19:57 ramdi...
drwxr-xr-x 8 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 19:57 root
drwxr-xr-x 5 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 19:57 symbols
drwxr-xr-x 12 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 19:58 system
-rw------- 1 beat beat 104951616 2011-02-01 20:02 syste...
-rw------- 1 beat beat 1482624 2011-02-01 19:53 userd...
Applying the commands below, move userland to the bootabl...
$ mkdir bc10-image
$ cp -afr root/* bc10-image/
$ cp -afr system/*
$ sudo chown -R root.root bc10-image/
$ sudo chmod -R 777 bc10-image/
After userland is relocated, its contents are shown below.
$ cd bc10-image
$ ls -al
drwxrwxrwx 8 root root 4096 2011-02-01 20:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 beat beat 4096 2011-02-01 20:29 ..
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-02-01 19:47 data
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 118 2011-02-01 19:47 default.p...
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-02-01 19:47 dev
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 904 2011-02-01 15:35 gps_init.sh
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 90084 2011-02-01 19:57 init
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1677 2011-02-01 14:27 init.gold...
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 917 2011-02-01 15:08 init.omap...
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15018 2011-02-01 17:15 init.rc
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-02-01 19:47 proc
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-02-01 19:57 sbin
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-02-01 19:47 sys
drwxrwxrwx 12 root root 4096 2011-02-01 20:30 system
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2011-02-01 14:27 ueventd.g...
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 231 2011-02-01 15:08 ueventd.o...
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3764 2011-02-01 14:27 ueventd.rc
* Installing SGX SDK [#bec05e13]
To apply the same method as [[bc10/froyo]], obtain TI And...
- Whole process takes quite long time.
- If you have already downloaded and installed '''OMAP35x...
- As changing a part of kernel and/or Android userland, ...
$ cd ~
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/rowboat/ti_android_sgx_s...
$ cd ti_android_sgx_sdk/
$ ./OMAP35x_Android_Graphics_SDK_setuplinux_3_01_00_03.b...
The location of install directory is asked. In this examp...
[[To download TI's Android SGX SDK]]
** Modifying Rules.make [#k2c4f6c4]
In the file of '''Rules.make''', ?Home?, ?GRAPHICS_INSTA...
$ cd ~/OMAP35x_Android_Graphics_SDK_3_01_00_03
--- Rules.make 2011-01-05 14:20:43.863788943 +0900
+++ Rules.make-orig 2011-01-05 14:17:04.661291128 +0...
@@ -4,24 +4,20 @@ PLATFORM=LinuxOMAP3
################# FIELDS MODIFIABLE BY THE USER #######...
#set home area HOME (relative location for all SDK oper...
#Current Directory where Graphics SDK is installed
#Android Specific
#Path of Android Root FS
#set toolchain root path for arm-eabi
#set the kernel installation path
In this example, the setting of directories are determine...
After '''Rules.make''' are modified, execute '''make''' a...
$ make
$ make OMAPES=3.x install
* Building other files [#zf7ce007]
** u-boot [#z985366d]
Because of updating, '''u-boot-bc10''' is modified for in...
$ cd ~/
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/bc10/u-boot-bc10.git u-b...
$ cd u-boot-bc10/
$ make mrproper
$ make omap3_bc10_config
$ make
The configuration, which treats AMOLED as the default val...
u-boot-bc10/include/configs$ vi omap3_bc10.h
"loadaddr=0x82000000\0" \
"usbtty=cdc_acm\0" \
"console=ttyS2,115200n8\0" \
"androidconsole=ttyS2\0" \
"mem=256M\0" \
"vram=12M\0" \
"dvimode=1024x768MR-24@60\0" \
"defaultdisplay=lcd\0" \
"mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw\0" \
"mmcrootfstype=ext3 rootwait\0" \
"nandroot=/dev/mtdblock4 rw\0" \
This resembles the configuration of '''boot.scr'''.
if fatload mmc 0 84000000 uImage
echo ***** Kernel: /dev/mmcblk0p1/uImage.bin *****
echo ***** RootFS: /dev/mmcblk0p2 *****
setenv bootargs 'mem=256M androidboot.console=ttyS2 cons...
console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 init=/init ro...
bootm 84000000
(Caution)From '''setenv bootargs''' to '''disp=lcd''', th...
After the build process is finished, '''u-boot.bin''' is ...
** x-loader [#g0060a3a]
To apply the commands shown below, obtain and build the s...
$ cd ~/
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/~bc-dev/x-load-omap3/x-l...
$ cd x-load-bc10/
$ git checkout -t -b bc10 origin/bc10
$ make omap3530bc10_config
$ make
Since the specifications and format of '''x-load.bin''' d...
$ signGP x-load.bin
'''x-load.bin.ift''', which is produced in the build proc...
Please look at the section of ?Creating a bootable SD car...
$ mv x-load.bin.ift MLO
* Creating bootable SD card [#f89b7d91]
This article is originally published at the [[Create boot...
The partitions of SD card and the files contained in thes...
- FAT32 Partition
-- X-Loader
-- U-Boot
-- Linux kernel (Android Version)
- Linux Partition
-- Android root file system
The working environment is assumed to be Linux.~
The directions of process is shown below.~
+ Initializing and configuring the partitions
+ Formatting file system
+ Placing files
These instructions are based upon [[LinuxBootDiskFormat (...
** Unmounting SD card [#a30435c3]
To start working on a SD card, please unmount the SD card...
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1 400M 94M 307M 24% /media/disk
Then, unmount the SD card.
$ umount /media/disk
** Initializing and configuring partition [#z1d7338f]
To use '''fdisk''' command, obtain the basic information ...
$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdc
Command (m for help): [p]
Disk /dev/sdc: 2021 MB, 2021654528 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 245 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id ...
/dev/sdc1 * 1 246 1974240+ c ...
Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:
phys=(244, 254, 63) logical=(245, 200, 19)
Write dow the number of bytes on the SD card. This numbe...
(In this example, it is 2021654528.)
Erase all partitions
Command (m for help): [d]
Selected partition 1
Turn to expert mode.
Command (m for help): [x]
According to the results of '''fdisk''', the number of he...
Expert Command (m for help): [h]
Number of heads (1-256, default xxx): [255]
Also, from the outputs of '''fdisk''', the number of sect...
Expert Command (m for help): [s]
Number of sectors (1-63, default xxx): [63]
The number of cylinders highly depends on a SD card. The ...
#cylinders = FLOOR(the number of Bytes on the SD Card/#h...
#some is used for calculating units in the results of ?f...
In this example it will be ?512?.
The application of this figure is shown below.
2021654528 / 255 / 63 / 512 = 245.79
-> 245
The number of cylinders for this example is 245
Expert Command (m for help): [c]
Number of cylinders (1-256, default xxx): [245]
Go back to the normal mode
Expert Command (m for help): [r]
Create FAT32 partition
Command (m for help): [n]
Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): [1]
First cylinder (1-245, default 1): [(press Enter)]
Using default value 1
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-245, defau...
Command (m for help): [t]
Selected partition 1
Hex code (type L to list codes): [c]
Changed system type of partition 1 to c (W95 FAT32 (LBA))
Configure the boot flags
Command (m for help): [a]
Partition number (1-4): [1]
Create Linux file system system partition
Command (m for help): [n]
Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): [2]
First cylinder (52-245, default 52): [(press Enter)]
Using default value 52
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (52-245, defa...
Using default value 245
Check up the configurations of the partitions.
Command (m for help): [p]
Disk /dev/sdc: 2021 MB, 2021654528 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 245 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id ...
/dev/sdc1 * 1 51 409626 c ...
/dev/sdc2 52 245 1558305 83 ...
Save the change in the partition table.
Command (m for help): [w]
The partition table has been altered!
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with erro...
The kernel still uses the old table.
The new table will be used at the next reboot.
WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x
partitions, please see the fdisk manual page for additio...
Syncing disks.
** Formatting file system [#xe0a6f11]
FAT32 partition and Linux partition are formatted separat...
In the commands shown below, ?FAT32? and ?EXT3? define th...
$ [sudo mkfs.msdos -F 32 /dev/sdc1 -n FAT32]
mkfs.msdos 2.11 (12 Mar 2005)
$ [sudo mkfs.ext3 -L EXT3 /dev/sdc2]
mke2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
1 95072 inodes, 389576 blocks
19 478 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
Fir st data block=0
Ma ximum filesystem blocks=402653184
12 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
16256 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (8192 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting informatio...
* Writing files into SD card [#v0919cd9]
** Placing files on FAT32 partition [#f363d48a]
There are several restrictions on the instillation of '''...
- After formatting FAT32 partition, MLO is placed first.
- Put it at the top directory inside the partition.
$ cd ~/bc10/x-load-bc10/
$ sudo cp MLO /media/FAT32/
Other files do not have any restrictions. Just copy the f...
$ cd ~/bc10/u-boot-bc10/
$ sudo cp u-boot.bin /media/FAT32/
$ cd ~/bc10/bc10-rowboat-kernel/arch/arm/boot/
$ sudo cp uImage /media/FAT32/
If you have made mistakes on this process, or any process...
** Put files on EXT3 partition [#zf034ce1]
There are no specific regulations on how to place the fi...
$ cd ~/bc10/out/target/product/bc10/bc10-image/
$ sudo cp -a * /media/EXT3/
This is the end of copying the bootable image to a SD car...
Please do '''sync''' first, then, unmount the SD card.
$ sudo sync
$ umount /media/EXT3
$ umount /media/FAT32
* Booting from SD card [#l3ca8110]
Insert the prepared SD card into the SD card slot of bc10...
This is the end of the creating the bootable image of And...
* Remarks [#uaf4bd8b]
** Allocation of buttons [#va20d1e3]
bc10 does have 7 buttons at both sides. Please In Figure ...
1. Menu
2. Back
3. Home
4. Up
5. Left
6. Right
7. Down
** boot.scr [#m8f61a0e]
As updating '''u-boot-bc10''', the configuration, which A...
$ cd ~
$ vi boot.script
if fatload mmc 0 84000000 uImage
echo ***** Kernel: /dev/mmcblk0p1/uImage.bin *****
echo ***** RootFS: /dev/mmcblk0p2 *****
setenv bootargs 'mem=256M androidboot.console=ttyS2 con...
console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 init=/init r...
bootm 84000000
(Caution) From '''setenv bootargs''' to '''disp=lcd' ''...
command, please type as a single line command.
$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n...
To connect to an external LDE display via MDMI-DVI connec...
if fatload mmc 0 84000000 uImage
echo ***** Kernel: /dev/mmcblk0p1/uImage.bin *****
setenv bootargs 'mem=256M androidboot.console=ttyS2 cons...
console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 init=/init ro...
omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x768MR-24@60 omapdss.def_disp=dvi'
bootm 84000000
(Caution) From '''setenv bootargs''' to '''disp=lcd' '...
command, please type as a single line command.
To fond the detail information of '''omapfb.mode''' and '...
* Reference [#ef6c627d]
- How to install SGX
-- [[rowboat ConfigureAndBuild>http://code.google.com/p/r...
- About USB Wifi
-- [[[Armadillo:06309] Re: About Wireless LAN, which Arma...
* Revision History [#z20db28a]
2011/04/01 This article is initially published