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*bc10 [#c9fb0214]
bc10 is an Open Source Gadget and a clone of [[BeagleBoar...
and Android. Since bc10 is an Open Source Gadget, the tec...
the public. bc10 is equipped with two slots for Expansion...
sensors. Expansion Board can handle the additions of extr...
and sensors let bc10 be practical and versatile.
** bc10 get started [#of3a4661]
To use bc10, [[bc10/get started]] provides the overview o...
this section explains that what a new user should do at t...
** bc10 prebuild image [#i45e510a]
[[bc10/prebuild image]] describes how to create a bootabl...
are detail explanations for formatting the SD card and th...
** bc10 FAQ [#k5943fa3]
[[bc10/FAQ]] is the list of the frequently asked question...
its peripherals such as JTAG and serial cables, and these...
*Hardware [#wa7b897c]
bc10's hardware information is available at [[bc10/Hardwa...
Board are listed here. bc10 is equipped with [[OMAP 3530:...
for Expansion Board, and other widely used connectors and...
the details.~
*** bc10 [#b5fd5525]
- [[Overview of Hardware:http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/ind...
- [[Specification of Hardware:http://labs.beatcraft.com/e...
- [[Hardware Design of bc10:http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/...
*** Peripheral [#r904803e]
- [[Serial Interface:http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/index.p...
- [[Serial Interface with Switches:http://labs.beatcraft....
- [[Serial Interface (breakout board):http://labs.beatcra...
- [[JTAG:http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/index.php?bc10%2FJT...
- [[Expansion Board (with universal pattern):http://labs....
- [[Keypad (left from AMOLED side):http://labs.beatcraft....
*Software [#q44266b9]
The software information of bc10 is obtainable from [[bc1...
software which is indispensable to bc10, and it covers fr...
OSes, to the setting development environment. OSes discus...
[[rowboat:http://code.google.com/p/rowboat/]], an open so...
- [[bc10/booting]]
- [[bc10/x-loader]]
- [[bc10/u-boot]]
- [[bc10/OpenEmbedded Linux]]
- [[bc10/rowboat]] (Android 2.1, Eclair with DSP)
- [[bc10/froyo]] (Android 2.2)~
- [[bc10/prebuild image]]
*List of Contents [#d1024dd3]
- contents
*bc10 [#c9fb0214]
bc10 is an Open Source Gadget and a clone of [[BeagleBoar...
and Android. Since bc10 is an Open Source Gadget, the tec...
the public. bc10 is equipped with two slots for Expansion...
sensors. Expansion Board can handle the additions of extr...
and sensors let bc10 be practical and versatile.
** bc10 get started [#of3a4661]
To use bc10, [[bc10/get started]] provides the overview o...
this section explains that what a new user should do at t...
** bc10 prebuild image [#i45e510a]
[[bc10/prebuild image]] describes how to create a bootabl...
are detail explanations for formatting the SD card and th...
** bc10 FAQ [#k5943fa3]
[[bc10/FAQ]] is the list of the frequently asked question...
its peripherals such as JTAG and serial cables, and these...
*Hardware [#wa7b897c]
bc10's hardware information is available at [[bc10/Hardwa...
Board are listed here. bc10 is equipped with [[OMAP 3530:...
for Expansion Board, and other widely used connectors and...
the details.~
*** bc10 [#b5fd5525]
- [[Overview of Hardware:http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/ind...
- [[Specification of Hardware:http://labs.beatcraft.com/e...
- [[Hardware Design of bc10:http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/...
*** Peripheral [#r904803e]
- [[Serial Interface:http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/index.p...
- [[Serial Interface with Switches:http://labs.beatcraft....
- [[Serial Interface (breakout board):http://labs.beatcra...
- [[JTAG:http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/index.php?bc10%2FJT...
- [[Expansion Board (with universal pattern):http://labs....
- [[Keypad (left from AMOLED side):http://labs.beatcraft....
*Software [#q44266b9]
The software information of bc10 is obtainable from [[bc1...
software which is indispensable to bc10, and it covers fr...
OSes, to the setting development environment. OSes discus...
[[rowboat:http://code.google.com/p/rowboat/]], an open so...
- [[bc10/booting]]
- [[bc10/x-loader]]
- [[bc10/u-boot]]
- [[bc10/OpenEmbedded Linux]]
- [[bc10/rowboat]] (Android 2.1, Eclair with DSP)
- [[bc10/froyo]] (Android 2.2)~
- [[bc10/prebuild image]]
*List of Contents [#d1024dd3]