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* OpenFlow/mininet [#i888b23a]
To download mininet, please visit the URL below.~
mininet is a virtual network, which is established on a L...
* mininet setup [#ve6f3331]
mininet's site distributes a VM, which is pre-configured ...
Go to [[]], and perform Opeti...
This assumes that users install Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop amd6...
Obtain a whole set of the source of mininet.~
$ sudo apt-get install git-core
$ git clone git://
The installation process is followed by the script of min...
Please refer the details of the installation process to t...
To select -a, the parts are listed below are e...
- Install kernel~
- Install the packages, which are required for building a...
- Configure sysctl~
- Install the reference implementation of OpenFlow~
- Delete avahi-daemon~
- Make IPv6 ineffective~
- Install Wireshark, which is used for analyzing OpenFlow~
- Install Open vSwitch~
- Install pox~
- Install oftest~
- Install cbench~
- Configure that other minor parts, which are not directl...
To use, the installation process cannot be see...
** kernel install [#z54223e4]
kernel can be installed without any modification. The def...
** Configuration of mininet [#d551bce3]
To install the packages, which are required for building ...
$ sudo apt-get install gcc make screen psmisc xterm ssh ...
python-setuptools python-networkx cgroup-bin ethtool h...
pyflakes pylint pep8
** Configuration of susctl [#cb37cef6]
Add environment configurations for the network. (Increase...
$ sudo -s
# cat ~/mininet/util/sysctl_addon >> /etc/sysctl.conf
Build and install mininet
$ cd ~/mininet
$ sudo make install
** Install the reference implementation of OpenFlow [#dcf...
Install the packages, which are required for building and...
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev p...
libtool libc6-dev
Install and build the reference implementation of OpenFlo...
$ git clone git://
$ cd ~/openflow
$ patch -p1 < ~/mininet/util/openflow-patches/controller...
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
** Delete avahi-daemon [#v340f123]
To prevent unnecessary communications happening, avahi-da...
$ sudo apt-get remove avahi-daemon
** Make IPv6 ineffective [#l159574b]
Since only OpenFlow 1.2 or later Supports IPv6, make IPv6...
$ sudo -s
# echo 'blacklist net-pf-10\nblacklist ipv6' >> /etc/mo...
** Install Wireshark [#sf237398]
Install Wireshark and the plugins for Wireshark. The plug...
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install wireshark libgtk2.0-dev scons mer...
libwiretap-dev libwireshark-dev
$ hg clone
$ cd of-dissector/src
$ export WIRESHARK=/usr/include/wireshark
$ scons
$ sudo cp /usr/lib/wireshark/libwireshark1/p...
$ mkdir -p ~/.wireshark
$ cp ~/mininet/util/colorfilters ~/.wireshark
** Install Open vSwitch [#g2d48acc]
Since Ubuntu 12.04 includes Open vSwitch packages, it is ...
$ sudo apt-get install openvswitch-datapath-dkms openvsw...
After the installation is completed, to change the settin...
$ sudo service openvswitch-controller stop
$ sudo update-rc.d openvswitch-controller disable
** Install POX [#d26e7075]
POX is installed for using as the controller of OpenFlow....
$ cd ~
$ git clone
**Install OFTest [#g1d320dd]
OFTest is a test tool for OpenFlow switch. OFTest can be ...
To install OFTest, please apply command lines show...
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install tcpdump python-scapy
$ git clone git://
$ cd oftest
$ git checkout -b oft-1.1 remotes/origin/oft-1.1
$ cd tools/munger
$ sudo make install
** Install Cbench [#x8fa5ebc]
Cbench is a benchmark software for OpenFlow controller. C...
To install Cbench, please follow the direction shown belo...
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install libsnmp-dev libpcap-dev libconfig...
$ git clone git://
$ cd oflops
$ sh
$ sh ← autoreconf のエラ...
$ ./configure --with-openflow-src-dir=/home/beat/openflow
$ make
$ sudo make install
This is the end of creating a mininet environment.
As all installations are completed, there are several di...
$ ls
mininet oflops openflow
of-dissector oftest pox
~To reflect the configuration changes for the network, re...
To check its actual operation, please try OpenFlow Tutori...
[[Opern/OpenFlow Tutorial 1]]~
* Revision History [#x36e5b54]
- 2013/08/28 This article is initially uploaded.~
* OpenFlow/mininet [#i888b23a]
To download mininet, please visit the URL below.~
mininet is a virtual network, which is established on a L...
* mininet setup [#ve6f3331]
mininet's site distributes a VM, which is pre-configured ...
Go to [[]], and perform Opeti...
This assumes that users install Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop amd6...
Obtain a whole set of the source of mininet.~
$ sudo apt-get install git-core
$ git clone git://
The installation process is followed by the script of min...
Please refer the details of the installation process to t...
To select -a, the parts are listed below are e...
- Install kernel~
- Install the packages, which are required for building a...
- Configure sysctl~
- Install the reference implementation of OpenFlow~
- Delete avahi-daemon~
- Make IPv6 ineffective~
- Install Wireshark, which is used for analyzing OpenFlow~
- Install Open vSwitch~
- Install pox~
- Install oftest~
- Install cbench~
- Configure that other minor parts, which are not directl...
To use, the installation process cannot be see...
** kernel install [#z54223e4]
kernel can be installed without any modification. The def...
** Configuration of mininet [#d551bce3]
To install the packages, which are required for building ...
$ sudo apt-get install gcc make screen psmisc xterm ssh ...
python-setuptools python-networkx cgroup-bin ethtool h...
pyflakes pylint pep8
** Configuration of susctl [#cb37cef6]
Add environment configurations for the network. (Increase...
$ sudo -s
# cat ~/mininet/util/sysctl_addon >> /etc/sysctl.conf
Build and install mininet
$ cd ~/mininet
$ sudo make install
** Install the reference implementation of OpenFlow [#dcf...
Install the packages, which are required for building and...
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev p...
libtool libc6-dev
Install and build the reference implementation of OpenFlo...
$ git clone git://
$ cd ~/openflow
$ patch -p1 < ~/mininet/util/openflow-patches/controller...
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
** Delete avahi-daemon [#v340f123]
To prevent unnecessary communications happening, avahi-da...
$ sudo apt-get remove avahi-daemon
** Make IPv6 ineffective [#l159574b]
Since only OpenFlow 1.2 or later Supports IPv6, make IPv6...
$ sudo -s
# echo 'blacklist net-pf-10\nblacklist ipv6' >> /etc/mo...
** Install Wireshark [#sf237398]
Install Wireshark and the plugins for Wireshark. The plug...
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install wireshark libgtk2.0-dev scons mer...
libwiretap-dev libwireshark-dev
$ hg clone
$ cd of-dissector/src
$ export WIRESHARK=/usr/include/wireshark
$ scons
$ sudo cp /usr/lib/wireshark/libwireshark1/p...
$ mkdir -p ~/.wireshark
$ cp ~/mininet/util/colorfilters ~/.wireshark
** Install Open vSwitch [#g2d48acc]
Since Ubuntu 12.04 includes Open vSwitch packages, it is ...
$ sudo apt-get install openvswitch-datapath-dkms openvsw...
After the installation is completed, to change the settin...
$ sudo service openvswitch-controller stop
$ sudo update-rc.d openvswitch-controller disable
** Install POX [#d26e7075]
POX is installed for using as the controller of OpenFlow....
$ cd ~
$ git clone
**Install OFTest [#g1d320dd]
OFTest is a test tool for OpenFlow switch. OFTest can be ...
To install OFTest, please apply command lines show...
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install tcpdump python-scapy
$ git clone git://
$ cd oftest
$ git checkout -b oft-1.1 remotes/origin/oft-1.1
$ cd tools/munger
$ sudo make install
** Install Cbench [#x8fa5ebc]
Cbench is a benchmark software for OpenFlow controller. C...
To install Cbench, please follow the direction shown belo...
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install libsnmp-dev libpcap-dev libconfig...
$ git clone git://
$ cd oflops
$ sh
$ sh ← autoreconf のエラ...
$ ./configure --with-openflow-src-dir=/home/beat/openflow
$ make
$ sudo make install
This is the end of creating a mininet environment.
As all installations are completed, there are several di...
$ ls
mininet oflops openflow
of-dissector oftest pox
~To reflect the configuration changes for the network, re...
To check its actual operation, please try OpenFlow Tutori...
[[Opern/OpenFlow Tutorial 1]]~
* Revision History [#x36e5b54]
- 2013/08/28 This article is initially uploaded.~