Open Source Gadgets
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* Open Source Gadgets [#v97df2a6]
** What is the Open Source Gadget? [#af1cdefc]
The Open Source Gadget releases its technical information...
The hardware and software of the Open Source Gadget are d...
and add extra functions on the Open Source Gadget for the...
--component parts, design information, circuit schematic,...
--specifications, source codes, development environment, ...
** bc10 [#yf61394e]
[[bc10]] is a clone of BeagleBoard. bc10 is a clone of [[...
widely used connectors and sensors. bc10 is equipped with...
of bc10 are mostly handled at Expansion Board. bc10 is ab...
more information of hardware and software, please visit [...
** bc9 [#v8d7d327]
[[bc9>Open Source Gadgets/bc9]] is a gumstix verdex pro b...
BeatCraft, Inc, and is open sourced. bc9 is capable of ru...
the technical information, please go to [[bc9>Open Source...
* Open Source Gadgets [#v97df2a6]
** What is the Open Source Gadget? [#af1cdefc]
The Open Source Gadget releases its technical information...
The hardware and software of the Open Source Gadget are d...
and add extra functions on the Open Source Gadget for the...
--component parts, design information, circuit schematic,...
--specifications, source codes, development environment, ...
** bc10 [#yf61394e]
[[bc10]] is a clone of BeagleBoard. bc10 is a clone of [[...
widely used connectors and sensors. bc10 is equipped with...
of bc10 are mostly handled at Expansion Board. bc10 is ab...
more information of hardware and software, please visit [...
** bc9 [#v8d7d327]
[[bc9>Open Source Gadgets/bc9]] is a gumstix verdex pro b...
BeatCraft, Inc, and is open sourced. bc9 is capable of ru...
the technical information, please go to [[bc9>Open Source...