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* BC-USB-Kit Manual [#j9c628fb]
** Overview [#rd15abbe]
BC-USB-Kit is a USB-gadget development kit, which is equi...
Besides the USB connector, BC-USB-Kit is equipped with an...
** Specification [#o08a6dd8]
-Absolute Maximum Ratings
| |Value |Memo ...
|Power Supply Voltage |-0.3~20V |Use the...
|I/O Terminal Voltage (1)|-0.3~3.6V |Exclude 5V to...
|I/O Terminal Voltage (2))|-0.3~5.5V |Apply only 5...
|Operating Temperature |0~80℃ |N...
※1 For more information of 5V tolerant pins,...
Absolute maximum ratings do not mean the operational limi...
-Operating Ratings
| |Minimum|Standard|Maximum|Memo|h
|Power supply voltage (VBUS)|4 |5 |5.5 |V (BUS bus p...
|H level input voltage|2.3 | |3.6 |V |
|L level input voltage|0 | |0.9 |V |
|H level output voltage|2.8 | |3.3 |V |
|L level output voltage|0 | |3.3 |V |
** Simplified Block Diagram [#p7731897]
The simplified block diagram of BC-USB-Kit is shown below...
※ EEPROM and the humidity and temperature sensor is...
※ Because of Peripheral Pin Select (PPS), (re)mappi...
※ The modes that this USB 2.0 supports are Low Spee...
** Names of Parts [#na8f9f5c]
The names of major parts of BC-USB-Kit~
|No|Name |Ref|Memo ...
|1 |ICSP Connection Terminals |J2 |Terminals th...
|2 |Reset Button |SW1|A switch for resetting PIC ...
|3 |User Programable Button |SW2|A user program...
|4 |User Programable LED |D1 |A user program...
|5 |Expansion Terminals (Pins) |J1 |To connect to...
|~|~|~|J1 terminals are paired with the opposite side of ...
|6 |USBTypeA Connector (Male)|P1 |A connector that connec...
|7 |LED Power Indicator |D2 |LED that indicates ...
|~|~|~|(users are not accessible)|
|8 |PIC Micro Controller |U1 |PIC24FJ128GB202 ...
|9 |EEPROM |U2 |1Mbits EEPROM via I2C acc...
|10|Humidity & Temperature Sensor |U3 |Humidity...
※ LED power indicator (D2) eliminates as power is s...
※ Reset Button (SW1) is connected to the reset of P...
※ Number 1 to 6 terminals (pins) at J1 are parallel...
Please use only either pins at J1 or J2...
※ To use the terminals at J1 with a bread board, DI...
** Pin (Terminals) Assignment [#l64efaa3]
BC-USB-Kit has a set of DIP-28 pin size connection termin...
-DIP-28 pin (terminal) connector (J1)~
|#|Function/Name |Me...
|1 |&font(o){MCLR}; |Para...
|2 |VIO |Para...
|3 |GND |Para...
|4 |PGED1 |Para...
|5 |PGEC1 |Para...
|6 |NC | ...
|7 |VIO | ...
|8 |SCL2 |Excl...
|9 |SDA2 |Excl...
|10|GND | ...
|11|TMS/RPB57/USBID/RB5 | ...
|12|NC | ...
|13|TDI/RPB7/CTED3/PMD5/INT0/RB7 |(RB7...
|14|GND | ...
|15|GND | ...
|16|TCK/RPB8/SCL1/CTED10/PMD4/RB8 |(&fo...
|18|GMD | ...
|19|AN11/RPB13/CTPLS/PMRD/RB13 |(UAR...
|20|AN9/C3INA/RPB15/SCK2/CTED6/PMCS1/RB15 |(UAR...
|21|VIO | ...
|22|GMD | ...
|25|SOSCI/RPB4/RB4 | ...
|26|SOSCI/RPB4/T1CK/CTED9/PMA1/RA4 | ...
|27|VIO | ...
|28|VBUS | ...
This mark ?●? indicates that it is a 5V tolerate te...
-6-pin pin header connector~
|#|Name |Memo |h
|1 |&font(o){MCLR};|Parallel to J1|
|2 |VIO |Parallel to J1|
|3 |GND |Parallel to J1|
|4 |PGED1 |Parallel to J1|
|5 |PGEC1 |Parallel to J1|
|6 |NC | |
-- From the number 1 to number 6 pin header of DIP-28 pin...
When you use a programming tool such as PICKit 3 and MPLA...
-- VIO is the power supply line for the PIC micro control...
This power line supplied DC 5V from the power supply line...
-- VBUS is the DC 5V line at the power supply line of USB...
-- Power of BC-USB-Kit is supplied from the USB bus, whic...
-- The functions of J1 are selected by Peripheral Pin Sel...
For more information, please read the manual and data she...
** Expansion Terminals [#s439d135]
BC-USB-Kit has J1, a set of expansion terminals, and J2, ...
J1 terminals are expansion terminals and capable of ICSP ...
The through-holes of J1 expansion terminals are placed at...
To use J1 expansion terminals, you can solder the DIP-28 ...
To attach DIP-28P IC socket, J1 expansion terminals can w...
** ICSP [#b200604f]
ICSP terminals are allocated to J1 and J2 in parallel. ~
SW1 is attache to the reset terminal. To push it down, &f...
As The ICSP connection terminals are available at some te...
connect PICKit3 or MPLAB ICD3 for programming and debuggi...
The number 1 ~ 6 terminals of J1 expansion terminals are ...
Please use either one set of ICSP terminals when you conn...
Once you have attached at the one set of the terminals, D...
If you had attached to both sets of ICSP terminals, the p...
** USB [#c6053e43]
The USB connector of BC-USB-Kit supports USB 2.0.~
D-/D+ of the USB connector are attached to the PIC micro ...
To make the built-in USB module inside PIC effective, you...
USB connection speeds that the PIC micro controller suppo...
USB-ID us not allocated to the on-board USB connector USB...
When you need to allocate USB-ID, please use the 11 termi...
If the voltage of power, which is supplied form the USB c...
** I2C [#v1fa071e]
BC-USB-Kit is equipped with EEPROM and the humidity and t...
Because of these connections, the terminals of I2C2 are r...
The lines of SDA/SCL are pulled up by a 3.3kΩ on boa...
To connect BC-USB-Kit to external devices, please use the...
EEPROM is a 1Mbit serial ROM. Its I2C device addresses ar...
The I2C device address of the humidity and temperature se...
When you add I2C devices externally, please avoid these ...
|Pin # at J1|Name|Memo |h
| 7 |VIO |3.3V power supply |
| 8 |SCL |I2C clock|
| 9 |SDA |I2C data|
|10 |GND |GND |
** UART [#z135245c]
BC-USB-Kit uses UART at 3.3V -CMOS level.~
To use Peripheral Pin Select (PPS), I/O pin mapping funct...
These terminals can be assigned for other functions if UA...
To assign pins for UART, the mapping listed below is reco...
If you wish to use other pins, you can assign other pins ...
To use UART1, please refer the configurations of resister...
|Pin# at J1|Name |Resistor |Value|Memo|h
|15 |GND |CENTER:- |GND | |
|16 |&font(o){CTS};|RPINR18<13:8>|8 | |
|17 |&font(o){RTS};|RPOR7<5:0> |4 | |
|18 |GND |CENTER:- | |GND |
|19 |&font(o){RX}; |RPINR18<5:0> |13 | |
|20 |&font(o){TX}; |RPOR7<13:8> |3 | |
|21 |VIO |CENTER:- | |3.3V|
** Analog Input [#o1c64137]
To use ADC, which is built inside the PIC micro controlle...
The pins listed below are assigned for analog inputs of B...
Since the reference voltage terminals are assigned for ot...
|Pin# at J1|Name|h
|19 |AN7 |
|20 |AN9 |
** Secondary Oscillator [#g7f3a842]
BC-USB-Kit does not have any secondary oscillator.~
To use a secondary oscillator, please input 32768Hz clock...
** Primary Oscillator [#yb6afae6]
The 24MHz crystal oscillator is attached to OSCI/OSCO ter...
To use this on-board crystal oscillator for the USB funct...
- 4MHz clock will be needed after it passes PLL Prescaler...
Therefore, ? 6 (PLLDIV<3:0> = 0101) is selected at PLL P...
- The frequency of System Clock, which is output from PLL...
** Reference [#w1132e5a]
- [[PIC24FJ128GB204 FAMILY DataSheet:http://ww1.microchip...
Microchip Technology Inc.
- [[16-bit MCU and DSC Programmer?s Reference Manual:http...
Microchip Technology Inc.
- [[MPLAB® X IDE User Guide:http://ww1.microchip.com...
Microchip Technology Inc.
- [[Atmel AT24CM01 I2C-Compatible (2-wire) Serial EEPROM ...
Silicon Laboratories
** Schematics and Layout drawing [#k77e27da]
The schematics and layout drawing of BC-USB-Kit is listed...
Also, PDF version of this article is also listed below. P...
* Revision History [#d38c7d47]
- 2015-04-02 This article is initially published.
* BC-USB-Kit Manual [#j9c628fb]
** Overview [#rd15abbe]
BC-USB-Kit is a USB-gadget development kit, which is equi...
Besides the USB connector, BC-USB-Kit is equipped with an...
** Specification [#o08a6dd8]
-Absolute Maximum Ratings
| |Value |Memo ...
|Power Supply Voltage |-0.3~20V |Use the...
|I/O Terminal Voltage (1)|-0.3~3.6V |Exclude 5V to...
|I/O Terminal Voltage (2))|-0.3~5.5V |Apply only 5...
|Operating Temperature |0~80℃ |N...
※1 For more information of 5V tolerant pins,...
Absolute maximum ratings do not mean the operational limi...
-Operating Ratings
| |Minimum|Standard|Maximum|Memo|h
|Power supply voltage (VBUS)|4 |5 |5.5 |V (BUS bus p...
|H level input voltage|2.3 | |3.6 |V |
|L level input voltage|0 | |0.9 |V |
|H level output voltage|2.8 | |3.3 |V |
|L level output voltage|0 | |3.3 |V |
** Simplified Block Diagram [#p7731897]
The simplified block diagram of BC-USB-Kit is shown below...
※ EEPROM and the humidity and temperature sensor is...
※ Because of Peripheral Pin Select (PPS), (re)mappi...
※ The modes that this USB 2.0 supports are Low Spee...
** Names of Parts [#na8f9f5c]
The names of major parts of BC-USB-Kit~
|No|Name |Ref|Memo ...
|1 |ICSP Connection Terminals |J2 |Terminals th...
|2 |Reset Button |SW1|A switch for resetting PIC ...
|3 |User Programable Button |SW2|A user program...
|4 |User Programable LED |D1 |A user program...
|5 |Expansion Terminals (Pins) |J1 |To connect to...
|~|~|~|J1 terminals are paired with the opposite side of ...
|6 |USBTypeA Connector (Male)|P1 |A connector that connec...
|7 |LED Power Indicator |D2 |LED that indicates ...
|~|~|~|(users are not accessible)|
|8 |PIC Micro Controller |U1 |PIC24FJ128GB202 ...
|9 |EEPROM |U2 |1Mbits EEPROM via I2C acc...
|10|Humidity & Temperature Sensor |U3 |Humidity...
※ LED power indicator (D2) eliminates as power is s...
※ Reset Button (SW1) is connected to the reset of P...
※ Number 1 to 6 terminals (pins) at J1 are parallel...
Please use only either pins at J1 or J2...
※ To use the terminals at J1 with a bread board, DI...
** Pin (Terminals) Assignment [#l64efaa3]
BC-USB-Kit has a set of DIP-28 pin size connection termin...
-DIP-28 pin (terminal) connector (J1)~
|#|Function/Name |Me...
|1 |&font(o){MCLR}; |Para...
|2 |VIO |Para...
|3 |GND |Para...
|4 |PGED1 |Para...
|5 |PGEC1 |Para...
|6 |NC | ...
|7 |VIO | ...
|8 |SCL2 |Excl...
|9 |SDA2 |Excl...
|10|GND | ...
|11|TMS/RPB57/USBID/RB5 | ...
|12|NC | ...
|13|TDI/RPB7/CTED3/PMD5/INT0/RB7 |(RB7...
|14|GND | ...
|15|GND | ...
|16|TCK/RPB8/SCL1/CTED10/PMD4/RB8 |(&fo...
|18|GMD | ...
|19|AN11/RPB13/CTPLS/PMRD/RB13 |(UAR...
|20|AN9/C3INA/RPB15/SCK2/CTED6/PMCS1/RB15 |(UAR...
|21|VIO | ...
|22|GMD | ...
|25|SOSCI/RPB4/RB4 | ...
|26|SOSCI/RPB4/T1CK/CTED9/PMA1/RA4 | ...
|27|VIO | ...
|28|VBUS | ...
This mark ?●? indicates that it is a 5V tolerate te...
-6-pin pin header connector~
|#|Name |Memo |h
|1 |&font(o){MCLR};|Parallel to J1|
|2 |VIO |Parallel to J1|
|3 |GND |Parallel to J1|
|4 |PGED1 |Parallel to J1|
|5 |PGEC1 |Parallel to J1|
|6 |NC | |
-- From the number 1 to number 6 pin header of DIP-28 pin...
When you use a programming tool such as PICKit 3 and MPLA...
-- VIO is the power supply line for the PIC micro control...
This power line supplied DC 5V from the power supply line...
-- VBUS is the DC 5V line at the power supply line of USB...
-- Power of BC-USB-Kit is supplied from the USB bus, whic...
-- The functions of J1 are selected by Peripheral Pin Sel...
For more information, please read the manual and data she...
** Expansion Terminals [#s439d135]
BC-USB-Kit has J1, a set of expansion terminals, and J2, ...
J1 terminals are expansion terminals and capable of ICSP ...
The through-holes of J1 expansion terminals are placed at...
To use J1 expansion terminals, you can solder the DIP-28 ...
To attach DIP-28P IC socket, J1 expansion terminals can w...
** ICSP [#b200604f]
ICSP terminals are allocated to J1 and J2 in parallel. ~
SW1 is attache to the reset terminal. To push it down, &f...
As The ICSP connection terminals are available at some te...
connect PICKit3 or MPLAB ICD3 for programming and debuggi...
The number 1 ~ 6 terminals of J1 expansion terminals are ...
Please use either one set of ICSP terminals when you conn...
Once you have attached at the one set of the terminals, D...
If you had attached to both sets of ICSP terminals, the p...
** USB [#c6053e43]
The USB connector of BC-USB-Kit supports USB 2.0.~
D-/D+ of the USB connector are attached to the PIC micro ...
To make the built-in USB module inside PIC effective, you...
USB connection speeds that the PIC micro controller suppo...
USB-ID us not allocated to the on-board USB connector USB...
When you need to allocate USB-ID, please use the 11 termi...
If the voltage of power, which is supplied form the USB c...
** I2C [#v1fa071e]
BC-USB-Kit is equipped with EEPROM and the humidity and t...
Because of these connections, the terminals of I2C2 are r...
The lines of SDA/SCL are pulled up by a 3.3kΩ on boa...
To connect BC-USB-Kit to external devices, please use the...
EEPROM is a 1Mbit serial ROM. Its I2C device addresses ar...
The I2C device address of the humidity and temperature se...
When you add I2C devices externally, please avoid these ...
|Pin # at J1|Name|Memo |h
| 7 |VIO |3.3V power supply |
| 8 |SCL |I2C clock|
| 9 |SDA |I2C data|
|10 |GND |GND |
** UART [#z135245c]
BC-USB-Kit uses UART at 3.3V -CMOS level.~
To use Peripheral Pin Select (PPS), I/O pin mapping funct...
These terminals can be assigned for other functions if UA...
To assign pins for UART, the mapping listed below is reco...
If you wish to use other pins, you can assign other pins ...
To use UART1, please refer the configurations of resister...
|Pin# at J1|Name |Resistor |Value|Memo|h
|15 |GND |CENTER:- |GND | |
|16 |&font(o){CTS};|RPINR18<13:8>|8 | |
|17 |&font(o){RTS};|RPOR7<5:0> |4 | |
|18 |GND |CENTER:- | |GND |
|19 |&font(o){RX}; |RPINR18<5:0> |13 | |
|20 |&font(o){TX}; |RPOR7<13:8> |3 | |
|21 |VIO |CENTER:- | |3.3V|
** Analog Input [#o1c64137]
To use ADC, which is built inside the PIC micro controlle...
The pins listed below are assigned for analog inputs of B...
Since the reference voltage terminals are assigned for ot...
|Pin# at J1|Name|h
|19 |AN7 |
|20 |AN9 |
** Secondary Oscillator [#g7f3a842]
BC-USB-Kit does not have any secondary oscillator.~
To use a secondary oscillator, please input 32768Hz clock...
** Primary Oscillator [#yb6afae6]
The 24MHz crystal oscillator is attached to OSCI/OSCO ter...
To use this on-board crystal oscillator for the USB funct...
- 4MHz clock will be needed after it passes PLL Prescaler...
Therefore, ? 6 (PLLDIV<3:0> = 0101) is selected at PLL P...
- The frequency of System Clock, which is output from PLL...
** Reference [#w1132e5a]
- [[PIC24FJ128GB204 FAMILY DataSheet:http://ww1.microchip...
Microchip Technology Inc.
- [[16-bit MCU and DSC Programmer?s Reference Manual:http...
Microchip Technology Inc.
- [[MPLAB® X IDE User Guide:http://ww1.microchip.com...
Microchip Technology Inc.
- [[Atmel AT24CM01 I2C-Compatible (2-wire) Serial EEPROM ...
Silicon Laboratories
** Schematics and Layout drawing [#k77e27da]
The schematics and layout drawing of BC-USB-Kit is listed...
Also, PDF version of this article is also listed below. P...
* Revision History [#d38c7d47]
- 2015-04-02 This article is initially published.