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* BeatRun Manual [#t8bd7b75]
** 1. Overview [#r1218450]
BeatRun is an iOS application, which tracks workout such ...
** 2. Features [#w6ec04ff]
*** 2.1 Basic Features [#x4d9fa32]
- BeatRun is capable of tracking three different types of...
- To use the internal GPS sensor of iPhone or iPod touch,...
- Because of using the internal GPS sensor, BeatRun does ...
- To use the collected GPS data, BeatRun calculates dista...
- BeatRun shows the numerical data and location data on t...
- BeatRun can saves the numerical data and location data ...
- BeatRun can upload the saved workout data to Social Net...
-- Twitter
-- Facebook
-- RunKeeper
- Comments can be added to Twitter and Facebook.
*** 2.2 Additional Features [#q1150ef4]
As ANT Adapter is attached to iPhone or iPod touch, BeatR...
-- Stride Based Speed & Distance (STP, SPD)
-- Heart Rate Monitor (HR)
-- Bicycle Speed & Cadence (CAD, SPD, S&C)
ANT+ sensors, which BeatCraft has confirmed to pair with ...
** 3. Requirements [#o63a052d]
*** 3.1 Requirements [#u7f94cf2]
To use BeatRun, your Apple device (iPhone or iPod touch) ...
- iOS 5.1 or later
- GPS sensor
- 30-pin connector (To use the Apple original Lightning -...
*** 3.2 Supported Mode [#hdbacc71]
- iPhone
-- iPhone 3GS
-- iPhone 4
-- iPhone 4S
-- iPhone 5
- iPod touch
-- iPod touch (the 3rd generation)
-- iPod touch (the 4th generation)
-- iPod touch (the 5th generation)
(iPhone 5 and iPod touch (the 5th generation) are require...
** 4. How to Use BeatRun [#eafee6c3]
*** 4.1. Basics [#ec9783e3]
+Download BeatRun from iTunes App Store.~
+Make sure that GPS is turned on. (Turn off Airplane Mode...
+Touch ?Start.?~
+If GPS sensor cannot receive enough geographical informa...
+Then, To touch a button, a screen is slide up. Please se...
+To pose the workout, please touch Pose.~
+To restart the suspended workout, please touch Restart. ...
&ref(BeatRun07.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun08.jpg,,);~
+To select Complete, the screen is shifted to History fro...
*** 4.2 How to Set Up Connection to Social Network Servic...
+To use social network service such as Twitter, Facebook,...
+Please download iOS applications of Twitter and Facebook...
+To establish a connection between BeatRun and RunKeeper,...
+Please select RunKeeper at the section of Setting for Co...
+As RunKeeper opens, please touch Connect to RunKeeper.~
+As you touch Connect to RunKeeper, a browser application...
・At the log-screen, please inputs e-mail address a...
・If you wish to log in with Facebook, please touch...
+The screen is shifted to the authentication screen. Plea...
+As you touch Allow button, the screen is shifted back to...
*** 4.3 How to Upload Data to Social Network Service [#cb...
+As you finish a session of workout, you touch Complete b...
&ref(BeatRun08.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun09.jpg,,); ...
・If you like to upload data from already saved one...
&ref(BR02.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun18.jpg,,); ⇨ ...
+As you select Twitter or Facebook, you can add comment t...
&ref(BeatRun11.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun13.jpg,,);~
&ref(BeatRun14.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun15.jpg,,);~
・To upload the data to RunKeeper, please touch Run...
&ref(BeatRun16.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun17.jpg,,);~
*** 4.4 How to Communicate with ANT+ Sensor [#tca1bdc4]
+Please attach ANT Adapter to 30-pin connector of iPhone ...
+As attaching ANT Adapter, a pop-up window appears as con...
+To touch Setting of Sensor, the screen is shifted to the...
&ref(BR10.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BR11.jpg,,);~
・The setting can be edited anytime. If you with to...
&ref(BR02.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BR15.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(...
+As you select one of ANT+ select a device profiles, its ...
&ref(BR17.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BR12.jpg,,);~
+As the pairing process is completed, ID number of your A...
&ref(BR13.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BR15.jpg,,);~
* Revision History [#gb0f325f]
- 2013/05/30 This article is initially uploaded~
- 2013/06/06 Pictures are added~
* BeatRun Manual [#t8bd7b75]
** 1. Overview [#r1218450]
BeatRun is an iOS application, which tracks workout such ...
** 2. Features [#w6ec04ff]
*** 2.1 Basic Features [#x4d9fa32]
- BeatRun is capable of tracking three different types of...
- To use the internal GPS sensor of iPhone or iPod touch,...
- Because of using the internal GPS sensor, BeatRun does ...
- To use the collected GPS data, BeatRun calculates dista...
- BeatRun shows the numerical data and location data on t...
- BeatRun can saves the numerical data and location data ...
- BeatRun can upload the saved workout data to Social Net...
-- Twitter
-- Facebook
-- RunKeeper
- Comments can be added to Twitter and Facebook.
*** 2.2 Additional Features [#q1150ef4]
As ANT Adapter is attached to iPhone or iPod touch, BeatR...
-- Stride Based Speed & Distance (STP, SPD)
-- Heart Rate Monitor (HR)
-- Bicycle Speed & Cadence (CAD, SPD, S&C)
ANT+ sensors, which BeatCraft has confirmed to pair with ...
** 3. Requirements [#o63a052d]
*** 3.1 Requirements [#u7f94cf2]
To use BeatRun, your Apple device (iPhone or iPod touch) ...
- iOS 5.1 or later
- GPS sensor
- 30-pin connector (To use the Apple original Lightning -...
*** 3.2 Supported Mode [#hdbacc71]
- iPhone
-- iPhone 3GS
-- iPhone 4
-- iPhone 4S
-- iPhone 5
- iPod touch
-- iPod touch (the 3rd generation)
-- iPod touch (the 4th generation)
-- iPod touch (the 5th generation)
(iPhone 5 and iPod touch (the 5th generation) are require...
** 4. How to Use BeatRun [#eafee6c3]
*** 4.1. Basics [#ec9783e3]
+Download BeatRun from iTunes App Store.~
+Make sure that GPS is turned on. (Turn off Airplane Mode...
+Touch ?Start.?~
+If GPS sensor cannot receive enough geographical informa...
+Then, To touch a button, a screen is slide up. Please se...
+To pose the workout, please touch Pose.~
+To restart the suspended workout, please touch Restart. ...
&ref(BeatRun07.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun08.jpg,,);~
+To select Complete, the screen is shifted to History fro...
*** 4.2 How to Set Up Connection to Social Network Servic...
+To use social network service such as Twitter, Facebook,...
+Please download iOS applications of Twitter and Facebook...
+To establish a connection between BeatRun and RunKeeper,...
+Please select RunKeeper at the section of Setting for Co...
+As RunKeeper opens, please touch Connect to RunKeeper.~
+As you touch Connect to RunKeeper, a browser application...
・At the log-screen, please inputs e-mail address a...
・If you wish to log in with Facebook, please touch...
+The screen is shifted to the authentication screen. Plea...
+As you touch Allow button, the screen is shifted back to...
*** 4.3 How to Upload Data to Social Network Service [#cb...
+As you finish a session of workout, you touch Complete b...
&ref(BeatRun08.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun09.jpg,,); ...
・If you like to upload data from already saved one...
&ref(BR02.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun18.jpg,,); ⇨ ...
+As you select Twitter or Facebook, you can add comment t...
&ref(BeatRun11.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun13.jpg,,);~
&ref(BeatRun14.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun15.jpg,,);~
・To upload the data to RunKeeper, please touch Run...
&ref(BeatRun16.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BeatRun17.jpg,,);~
*** 4.4 How to Communicate with ANT+ Sensor [#tca1bdc4]
+Please attach ANT Adapter to 30-pin connector of iPhone ...
+As attaching ANT Adapter, a pop-up window appears as con...
+To touch Setting of Sensor, the screen is shifted to the...
&ref(BR10.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BR11.jpg,,);~
・The setting can be edited anytime. If you with to...
&ref(BR02.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BR15.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(...
+As you select one of ANT+ select a device profiles, its ...
&ref(BR17.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BR12.jpg,,);~
+As the pairing process is completed, ID number of your A...
&ref(BR13.jpg,,); ⇨ &ref(BR15.jpg,,);~
* Revision History [#gb0f325f]
- 2013/05/30 This article is initially uploaded~
- 2013/06/06 Pictures are added~