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* What is BCA_Lib? [#c8ccebc6]
?BCA_Lib? is a library, which uses with BC-ANT-USB. This ...
The class reference of BCA_lib is published on [[this pag...
BCA_Lib is created for ANT devices such as BC-ANT-USB, an...
** Features of BCA_Lib [#r97f1b06]
The major features of this library are listed below.
- Open/close ANT devices
- Receive data/events
- Transmit data
- Pairing process
- The size of transmitting and receiving data is 8byte
The features of API are
- [[Callback I/F>
- [[C++ class I/F>
There are two types of I/Fs. You may use either one of tw...
* Files [#g3b17237]
To use this library, 5 files listed below and the driver ...
- [[AntCallbackInterface.h>
- [[AntDevice.h>>
- BCA_Lib.dll: The whole library
- BCA_Lib.lib: Import library
- bc_abstract.dll: A support library developed by BeatCra...
- &ref(;: The details of BCA_Lib (written in ...
-- bin: this contains bc_abstract.dll, BCA_Lib.dll, and B...
-- driver: BC-ANT-USB driver
-- html: A HTML formatted document, which explains the de...
-- include: ANTCallbackInterface.h, AntDecice.h, and BCA_...
-- python_sample: Python sample programs, which handle tr...
-- sample: C++ sample programs, which manage transmitting...
* Definitions [#g7223d38]
- Chanel Type:~
Specify the transmitter (sender) as MASTER and receiver a...
- Channel Number:~
8 channels of ANT communications are available at an ANT ...
- Share Channel:~
It defines whether Shared Cannel is applied or not.~
The details of Shared Channel are explained in the later ...
- Device Number:~
This is a value, which is unique to a specific device. (I...
- Device Type:~
This value defines device type. Select a number form 1 to...
- Transmission Type:~
This defines characteristics of communication of a device...
- Frequency:~
2.4GHz band is used.~
API defined a frequency own formula.~
Please input the number, which is determined by subtracti...
- Channel Period~
The intervals between sending or receiving data is 0.5Hz ...
* About Communication [#k869809c]
- The values of Channel ID (device number, device type, a...
- If wildcard is selected, the receiving channel receives...
** Example of Configuration [#z55c3cda]
''[Transmitting side]''~
|Channel Number| 0|
|Channel Type|0 (MASTER)|
|Shared Channel|0|
|Device Number|33|
|Device Type|1|
|Transmission Type|1|
|Frequency: 66 (2466MHz|Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period|4Hz|
Example code (transmitting data): this uses the callback ...
main() {
// Opening an ANT device
dev = BCA_OpenDevice(0);
// Initializing the ANT device
res = BCA_Init(dev);
// Registering the transmitting callback function
BCA_RegisterSendFunc(dev, SendFunc, NULL);
// Opening a channel
res = BCA_OpenChannel(dev, ...
0, ...
33, ...
1, ...
1, ...
66, ...
4); ...
// Transmitting...
// Closing the channel
BCA_CloseChannel(dev, 0);
// Closing the device
// Transmitting Callback Function
void SendFunc(void* cookie, int channel, void* cookie)
static unsigned char val = 0;
unsigned char dat[8];
memset(dat, val,8);
// Processing transmission
// Data is fixed at 8bytes.
BCA_SendData(dev, channel, dat, 8);
''[Receiving side]''~
|Channel Number| 0|
|Channel Type| 0 (MASTER)|
|Shared Channel| 0|
|Device Number| 33|
|Device Type| 1|
|Transmission Type| 0 (Wildcard)|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
Example code (receiving data)~
main() {
? ?// ?Opening an ANT device
? ?dev = BCA_OpenDevice();
? ?// ?Initializing the ANT device
? ?res = BCA_Init(dev);
? ?// ?Registering the receiving callback function
? ?BCA_RegisterReceiveFunc(dev,ReceiveFunc, NULL);
? ?// ?Opening a channel
? ?res = BCA_OpenChannel(dev,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?BCA_CHANNEL_TYPE_SLAVE, ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?BCA_CHANNEL_NOSHARED, ? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?66, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4); ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...
? ?//
? ?// ?Receiving...
? ?//
? ?// ?Closing the channel
? ?BCA_CloseChannel(dev, 0);?
? ?// ?Closing the device
? ?BCA_CloseDevice(dev);
// ? ? ?Receiving Callback Function
void ReceiveFunc(void* cookie, int channel, unsigned cha...
? ? ? ?unsigned char* dat = (unsigned char*)data;
? ? ? ?printf("DATA[%x][%d][%02x][%02x][%02x][%02x][%02...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?evnt,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?channel,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[0],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[1],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[2],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[3],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[4],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[5],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[6],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[7]);
* About Pairing [#saf1d856]
- Pairing is a way to establish a communication between t...
|Channel Number| 0|
|Channel Type| 0 (MASTER)|
|Device Number| 1234|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
|Channel Number| 0|
|Channel Type| 0 (MASTER)|
|Device Number| 5678|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
|Channel Number| 0|
|Channel Type|1 (SLAVE)|
|Device Number|0|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
Example Code~
main() {
? ? // ?Opening an ANT device
? ? dev = BCA_OpenDevice(0);
? ? // ?Initializing the ANT device
? ? res = BCA_Init(dev);
? ? // ?Registering the pairing callback function
? ? BCA_RegisterPairingFunc(dev,PairingFunc, NULL);
? ? // ?Registering the receiving callback function
? ? BCA_RegisterReceiveFunc(dev,ReceiveFunc, NULL);
? ? // ?Starting the pairing process
? ? res = BCA_StartPairing(dev,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?66, // freq
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4, ?// Hz
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?10);// Duration of search tim...
? ? //
? ? // ?Process...
? ? //
? ? // ?Closing the channel
? ? BCA_CloseChannel(dev, 0);?
? ? // ?Closing the device
? ? BCA_CloseDevice(dev);
// ? ? ?Pairing Callback Function;
void PairingFunc(void* cookie, int* device, unsigned cha...
? ? if (count <= 0) {
? ? ? ? // ?There are no devices
? ? ? ? return;
? ? }
? ? int device_no = 0;
? ? int device_type = 0;
? ? int trans_type = 0;
? ? int res = 0;
? ? // ?Connecting the first device to find
? ? // ?Obtaining the information of the device
? ? res = BCA_GetPairingDeviceInfo(dev, 0, &device_no, &...
? ? // ?Opening the channel
? ? res = BCA_OpenChannel(dev,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BCA_CHANNEL_TYPE_SLAVE, ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BCA_CHANNEL_NOSHARED, ? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? device_no, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? device_type, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? trans_type, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 66, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4); ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...
The registered ([[BCA_RegisterPairingFunc()>http://labs.b...
As the device, which you like to connect, is selected fro...
The device search is performed by all 8 channels, so 8 de...
**Reference [#p90ce375]
- [[Function Reference (C++ I/F)>
- [[Function Reference (callback I/F)>http://labs.beatcra...
* Shared Channel [#w329e6d6]
** About Shared Channel [#jb87d670]
>The common connection types of ANT network are 1-to-1 or...
Excluding broadcast, as a master connects to multiple sla...
Shard Channel is a way that a single master connects to m...
In Shared Channel, specific shared addresses are configur...
An example of transmitting data~
To send data, which includes a specific shared address fr...
As the nodes start receiving the data, the nodes send bac...
Notify shared addresses on a shared channel~
** Example of Configuration [#x3f5be0a]
''[Configuration of Node A]''~
|Channel Number| 0|
|Shared Channel| BCA_CHANNEL_SHARED|
|Device Number| 33 (the serial number of node A)|
|Device Type| 3 (the device type of node A)|
|Transmission Type| 3 (2bytes of shared channel address)|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
''[Configuration of Node B, C, and D]''~
|Channel Number|0|
|Device Number| 33 (the serial number of node A)|
|Device Type| 3 (the device type of node A)|
|Transmission Type|3 (2bytes of shared channel address)|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
As the slaves (node B, C, and D) has completed opening ow...
* Sample Code [#b186a823]
There are sets of sample code for transmitting, receiving...
** C++ Samples [#i1b14c4d]
- &ref(;: Sample code for sending
- &ref(;: Sample code for receiving
- &ref(;: Sample code for pairing (receivin...
** Python Examples [#pafd1f9e]
- &ref(;: Sample code for sending
- &ref(;: Sample code for receiving
- &ref(;: Sample code for pairing (receivi...
** Whole files, BCA_lib, and HTML document [#f0e5cda7]
- &ref(;~
* Revision History [#bbddba0e]
- 2013/02/01 This article is initially uploaded~
* What is BCA_Lib? [#c8ccebc6]
?BCA_Lib? is a library, which uses with BC-ANT-USB. This ...
The class reference of BCA_lib is published on [[this pag...
BCA_Lib is created for ANT devices such as BC-ANT-USB, an...
** Features of BCA_Lib [#r97f1b06]
The major features of this library are listed below.
- Open/close ANT devices
- Receive data/events
- Transmit data
- Pairing process
- The size of transmitting and receiving data is 8byte
The features of API are
- [[Callback I/F>
- [[C++ class I/F>
There are two types of I/Fs. You may use either one of tw...
* Files [#g3b17237]
To use this library, 5 files listed below and the driver ...
- [[AntCallbackInterface.h>
- [[AntDevice.h>>
- BCA_Lib.dll: The whole library
- BCA_Lib.lib: Import library
- bc_abstract.dll: A support library developed by BeatCra...
- &ref(;: The details of BCA_Lib (written in ...
-- bin: this contains bc_abstract.dll, BCA_Lib.dll, and B...
-- driver: BC-ANT-USB driver
-- html: A HTML formatted document, which explains the de...
-- include: ANTCallbackInterface.h, AntDecice.h, and BCA_...
-- python_sample: Python sample programs, which handle tr...
-- sample: C++ sample programs, which manage transmitting...
* Definitions [#g7223d38]
- Chanel Type:~
Specify the transmitter (sender) as MASTER and receiver a...
- Channel Number:~
8 channels of ANT communications are available at an ANT ...
- Share Channel:~
It defines whether Shared Cannel is applied or not.~
The details of Shared Channel are explained in the later ...
- Device Number:~
This is a value, which is unique to a specific device. (I...
- Device Type:~
This value defines device type. Select a number form 1 to...
- Transmission Type:~
This defines characteristics of communication of a device...
- Frequency:~
2.4GHz band is used.~
API defined a frequency own formula.~
Please input the number, which is determined by subtracti...
- Channel Period~
The intervals between sending or receiving data is 0.5Hz ...
* About Communication [#k869809c]
- The values of Channel ID (device number, device type, a...
- If wildcard is selected, the receiving channel receives...
** Example of Configuration [#z55c3cda]
''[Transmitting side]''~
|Channel Number| 0|
|Channel Type|0 (MASTER)|
|Shared Channel|0|
|Device Number|33|
|Device Type|1|
|Transmission Type|1|
|Frequency: 66 (2466MHz|Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period|4Hz|
Example code (transmitting data): this uses the callback ...
main() {
// Opening an ANT device
dev = BCA_OpenDevice(0);
// Initializing the ANT device
res = BCA_Init(dev);
// Registering the transmitting callback function
BCA_RegisterSendFunc(dev, SendFunc, NULL);
// Opening a channel
res = BCA_OpenChannel(dev, ...
0, ...
33, ...
1, ...
1, ...
66, ...
4); ...
// Transmitting...
// Closing the channel
BCA_CloseChannel(dev, 0);
// Closing the device
// Transmitting Callback Function
void SendFunc(void* cookie, int channel, void* cookie)
static unsigned char val = 0;
unsigned char dat[8];
memset(dat, val,8);
// Processing transmission
// Data is fixed at 8bytes.
BCA_SendData(dev, channel, dat, 8);
''[Receiving side]''~
|Channel Number| 0|
|Channel Type| 0 (MASTER)|
|Shared Channel| 0|
|Device Number| 33|
|Device Type| 1|
|Transmission Type| 0 (Wildcard)|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
Example code (receiving data)~
main() {
? ?// ?Opening an ANT device
? ?dev = BCA_OpenDevice();
? ?// ?Initializing the ANT device
? ?res = BCA_Init(dev);
? ?// ?Registering the receiving callback function
? ?BCA_RegisterReceiveFunc(dev,ReceiveFunc, NULL);
? ?// ?Opening a channel
? ?res = BCA_OpenChannel(dev,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?BCA_CHANNEL_TYPE_SLAVE, ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?BCA_CHANNEL_NOSHARED, ? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?66, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4); ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...
? ?//
? ?// ?Receiving...
? ?//
? ?// ?Closing the channel
? ?BCA_CloseChannel(dev, 0);?
? ?// ?Closing the device
? ?BCA_CloseDevice(dev);
// ? ? ?Receiving Callback Function
void ReceiveFunc(void* cookie, int channel, unsigned cha...
? ? ? ?unsigned char* dat = (unsigned char*)data;
? ? ? ?printf("DATA[%x][%d][%02x][%02x][%02x][%02x][%02...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?evnt,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?channel,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[0],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[1],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[2],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[3],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[4],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[5],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[6],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?dat[7]);
* About Pairing [#saf1d856]
- Pairing is a way to establish a communication between t...
|Channel Number| 0|
|Channel Type| 0 (MASTER)|
|Device Number| 1234|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
|Channel Number| 0|
|Channel Type| 0 (MASTER)|
|Device Number| 5678|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
|Channel Number| 0|
|Channel Type|1 (SLAVE)|
|Device Number|0|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
Example Code~
main() {
? ? // ?Opening an ANT device
? ? dev = BCA_OpenDevice(0);
? ? // ?Initializing the ANT device
? ? res = BCA_Init(dev);
? ? // ?Registering the pairing callback function
? ? BCA_RegisterPairingFunc(dev,PairingFunc, NULL);
? ? // ?Registering the receiving callback function
? ? BCA_RegisterReceiveFunc(dev,ReceiveFunc, NULL);
? ? // ?Starting the pairing process
? ? res = BCA_StartPairing(dev,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?66, // freq
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4, ?// Hz
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?10);// Duration of search tim...
? ? //
? ? // ?Process...
? ? //
? ? // ?Closing the channel
? ? BCA_CloseChannel(dev, 0);?
? ? // ?Closing the device
? ? BCA_CloseDevice(dev);
// ? ? ?Pairing Callback Function;
void PairingFunc(void* cookie, int* device, unsigned cha...
? ? if (count <= 0) {
? ? ? ? // ?There are no devices
? ? ? ? return;
? ? }
? ? int device_no = 0;
? ? int device_type = 0;
? ? int trans_type = 0;
? ? int res = 0;
? ? // ?Connecting the first device to find
? ? // ?Obtaining the information of the device
? ? res = BCA_GetPairingDeviceInfo(dev, 0, &device_no, &...
? ? // ?Opening the channel
? ? res = BCA_OpenChannel(dev,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BCA_CHANNEL_TYPE_SLAVE, ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BCA_CHANNEL_NOSHARED, ? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? device_no, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? device_type, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? trans_type, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 66, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4); ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...
The registered ([[BCA_RegisterPairingFunc()>http://labs.b...
As the device, which you like to connect, is selected fro...
The device search is performed by all 8 channels, so 8 de...
**Reference [#p90ce375]
- [[Function Reference (C++ I/F)>
- [[Function Reference (callback I/F)>http://labs.beatcra...
* Shared Channel [#w329e6d6]
** About Shared Channel [#jb87d670]
>The common connection types of ANT network are 1-to-1 or...
Excluding broadcast, as a master connects to multiple sla...
Shard Channel is a way that a single master connects to m...
In Shared Channel, specific shared addresses are configur...
An example of transmitting data~
To send data, which includes a specific shared address fr...
As the nodes start receiving the data, the nodes send bac...
Notify shared addresses on a shared channel~
** Example of Configuration [#x3f5be0a]
''[Configuration of Node A]''~
|Channel Number| 0|
|Shared Channel| BCA_CHANNEL_SHARED|
|Device Number| 33 (the serial number of node A)|
|Device Type| 3 (the device type of node A)|
|Transmission Type| 3 (2bytes of shared channel address)|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
''[Configuration of Node B, C, and D]''~
|Channel Number|0|
|Device Number| 33 (the serial number of node A)|
|Device Type| 3 (the device type of node A)|
|Transmission Type|3 (2bytes of shared channel address)|
|Frequency| 66 (2466MHz: Since 2466-2400 =66)|
|Channel Period| 4Hz|
As the slaves (node B, C, and D) has completed opening ow...
* Sample Code [#b186a823]
There are sets of sample code for transmitting, receiving...
** C++ Samples [#i1b14c4d]
- &ref(;: Sample code for sending
- &ref(;: Sample code for receiving
- &ref(;: Sample code for pairing (receivin...
** Python Examples [#pafd1f9e]
- &ref(;: Sample code for sending
- &ref(;: Sample code for receiving
- &ref(;: Sample code for pairing (receivi...
** Whole files, BCA_lib, and HTML document [#f0e5cda7]
- &ref(;~
* Revision History [#bbddba0e]
- 2013/02/01 This article is initially uploaded~