

* DE0-Nano/Synthesijer [#s9623766]
[[Sythesijer>http://synthesijer.sourceforge.net/]] is the successor of JavaRock, a high-level synthesis tool that is able to generate VHDL and Verilog HDL code from Java code.~
This article explains how to execute a sample program of Synthesijer on DE0-Nano.~
This article uses synthesijer-20140818.jar and synthesijer_sample-20140818. However, the newer version of Synthesijer, and~
its sample are also available at [[this page>http://sourceforge.net/projects/synthesijer/files/synthesijer-2.0/]]. Please download them.~
The outline and some part (the version of Quartus) of this article are identical to DE0-Nano/JavaRock.~
The outline of this articles are:~
- About host PC~
Working on a virtual machine (Ubuntu 12.04LTS, 64bit version) on Windows PC.~
(This article does NOT explain how to install a Linux virtual machine, Ubuntu 12.04LTS, on a PC.)~
- Configuring Ubuntu and editing files~
Install the development tools on Ubuntu, and edit the files for working with DE0-Nano.~
- Writing down to DE0-Nano~
Explain how to execute a sample of Synthesijer on DE0-Nano.~

** About Host PC [#mf1b3ce8]
The details of the host PC for this article are shown below. Most work is done in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64bit)~
- Host OS: Windows7 (64bit version, hereafter “Windows”)~
- Guest OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64bit version, hereafter “Ubuntu”)~

- VMware Player (Windows)~
- DE0-Nano System Builder (Windows)~
- Quartus II 12.0 sp1 (Ubuntu, hereafter “Quartus”)~

Create an Ubuntu image on VMware Player. The desk size of image is 20GB.~
DE0-Nano System Builder, which is provided by Terasic Technologies, Inc, manages the project files (qpf)~
and configuration file for pin-assignment (qsf). This application can be executed from only Windows.~
Quartus is a FPGA and CPLD design and development  tool, which can be downloaded from the site of Altera Corporation.~
(The download page is [[here]].) This is installed on Ubuntu. The version of Quartus, which is used for this article is 12.0 sp1.~
The newer versions of this application are available at its download site. However, Quartus 12.0 sp1 is used in the article of~
[[DE0-Nano/JavaRock>]], this article uses the same version of the application.~

** Configuring Ubuntu and Editing Files [#yc373be0]
This part of this article explains how to configure Ubuntu and to edit the files for the configurations.~

*** Install the development tool [#z70651da]
To install Quartus on Ubuntu, install the development tools, first.~
 $ sudo apt-get install build-essential ia32-libs
la32-lib is installed because each binary of Quartus is written in 32bit.~
Setting and installing Java SE, Synthesijer, and Quartus are done at the directory of /home/beat. However, you may change to~
any directory as you like to work.~
Install Java SE 7u67 for working with Synthesijer. Download Linux version of Java SE 7u67 from the web page of Oracle.~
Then, extract the archive.~
 $ tar xvfz jdk-7u67-linux-x64.tar.gz
According to the web page of Synthesijer, Java SE should be Java SE 7 or greater. However, as you use Java SE 8~
with synthesijer-20140818.jar, an annotation error will occur. This is why this article uses Java SE 7u67.~
Download synthesijar-20140818.jar and synthesijar_samples-20140818.zip form [[http://synthesijer.sourceforge.net]]/~
Unzip synthesijer_samples-20140818.zip~
 $ unzip synthesijer_samples-20140818.zip
Install Quartus. Expand the archive and execute setup. Then, follow the instructions of GUI to proceed the installation process.~
 $ tar xvfz 12.0sp1_232_quartus_free_linux.tar.gz
 $ cd 12.0sp1_232_quartus_free_linux/
 $ ./setup
If start up Quartus, show up the error message , which is shown below. To avoid this error to occur, set up the symbolic link from /altera/12.0/quartus/ to linux64~
 $ cd ~/altera/12.0sp1/quartus/
 $ ln -s linux linux64
The error message~
 *** The Quartus II software cannot be started because the current platform,
     'linux64', does not appear to be installed in:
 /home/beat/altera/12.0sp1/quartus/bin/jtagd: 69: exit: Illegal number: -1

*** Edit .bashrc [#f8c1ed69]
To let working environment easier, set up the PATH of Java, Synthesijer, and Quartus. Please add three lines shown below at the end of .bashrc.~
To let working environment easier, set up the PATH of Java, Synthesijer, and Quartus.~
Please add three lines shown below at the end of .bashrc.~
 $ vi .bashrc
 export JAVA_HOME=/home/beat/jdk1.7.0_67
 export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:/home/beat/altera/12.0sp1/quartus/bin:$PATH
 export SYNTHESIJER=/home/beat/synthesijer-20140818.jar

*** Add and apply the rules of udev [#ff487868]
To transfer a program to DE0-Nano from Ubuntu by USB connection, the USB-Blaster is used. To make Ubuntu recognize the USB-Blaster, add the rule file for the USB-Blaster (51-usbblaster.rules) to the rule file for udev (automatically create and delete device file, /etc/udev/rule.d).~
To transfer a program to DE0-Nano from Ubuntu by USB connection, the USB-Blaster is used. To make Ubuntu recognize the USB-Blaster,~
add the rule file for the USB-Blaster (51-usbblaster.rules) to the rule file for udev (automatically create and delete device file, /etc/udev/rule.d).~
After adding the rule file, restart udev. Just adding the file, the change will not be effective.~
 $ sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/51-usbblaster.rules
 SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTRS{idVendor}=="09fb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", MODE="0666", SYMLINK+
 $ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

* Revision History [#we95c182]
-2014/12/24 This article is initially uploaded

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