

*Tutorial1 [#d743abe6]

**Overview [#tfa7e861]
This document is an introduction of PIC programming. To use BC-USB~Kit, this explains the basics of PIC programming. Please consider this to be kind of PIC Programming 101 or PIC for Dummy.~

**Lightning up an LED [#l404263b]
To follow the great tradition of programming on electronic works (electronic hobby), this article shows how to light up the LED.~

**Preparation [#ebc05fd9]
To read and follow [[this article:http://labs.beatcraft.com/en/index.php?BC-USB-Kit%2Fget%20started]],~
please install MPLAB X IDE.~
   # In this article, MPLAB XIDE  v2.35 is installed on Mac OS X (10.10.3).~
- Download bc_usbkit_pic24f.zip, and expand the zip file in any directory you wish for.~
To write a program for BC-USB-Kit effortlessly, this file contains the information, which is specifically set up for BC-USB-Kit, including the clock frequency and other default settings and functions for setting the button and LED of BC-USB-Kit.~

**Creating a new project [#cab1af44]
Select "New Project" form "File" at the menu bar.~
Please select "Microchip Embedded" form "Categories" and “Standalone Project” from "Project."~
Then, click the Next button.~
Choose 16-bit MCUs (PIC24) from the pull down menu at Family, and select PIC24FJ128GB202 from the pull down menu at Device. Then, click the Next button.~
Select "PICKit3."~
Choose "X16."~
Type in “LED_Test” at Project Name, and select “UTF-8” at Encoding. Then, click “Finish”~
If “LED_Test” appears on the left pane, the new project is created without any issues.~
To click the right-side button (for Mac OS X, click with the two-finger) on “Source File,” please select “New” from the pop-up menu. Then, choose “C Main File,,,” from the sub-menu.~
Type in “main” at File Name. Then, click the Finish button.~
Then, main.c is added into Source Files.~
Click the hammer (build) icon, Then, if “BUILD SUCCESSFUL,” which are written in green, appears in Output tab at the bottom pane, the build process is succeeded.~
Open “Project Properties” from File at the menu bar.~
Select "xc16-gcc" from the list of Categories in the left pane.~
At Option categories, select “Preprocessing and message” and add the path of "bc_usbkit_pic24f" to "C include dirs."~
To click the right-side button (for Mac OS X, click with the two-finger) on “Source File,” please select “Add Existing Items form Folders” from the pop-up menu. Then, add "bc_usbkit_pic24f."~
If "bc_usbkit_pic24f" is located under Source Files, it is successfully added.~
To include a header file, please add a line of code shown below to main.c.~
 #include <system.h>

Then, click the icon of a broom on a hammer (Clean and build)~
If “BUILD SUCCESSFUL, which are written in green, appears in Output tab at the bottom pane, the build process is succeeded.~

**Lightning up the LED [#i71f18c4]
As shown in the picture below, please connect BC-USB-Kit with PICKit 3.~
# The power of BC-USB-Kit is supplied from the right-side USB port of the MacBook Air.~

Please add two lines of code shown below to main.c.~

The contents of main,c file are organized as such as shown below.~
Click the icon of a broom on a hammer (Clean and build).~
Then, click the icon of the right faced green triangle (Run Main Project), which is located next to click the icon of a broom on a hammer (Clean and build)~
If the LED is lightened in orange, the main project runs successfully.~
&ref(LED_off.jpg,,50%); SIZE(25){&#8594;} &ref(LED_on.jpg,,50%);~
&ref(LED_off.jpg,,40%); SIZE(25){&#8594;} &ref(LED_on.jpg,,40%);~

** Revision History [#j2b77499]
- 2015-04-22 This article is initially published.~

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