
* Library for LPC1114 [#a440fa7b]

This is a sample code of the library for LPC1114, a 32bit microcontroller (IC) produced by NXP Semiconductors. (The product page at NXP Semiconductors is available [[here>http://www.nxp.com/products/microcontrollers/cortex_m0/lpc1100_x_l/#overview]].)~

This library is still alpha version, and there is possibly a lot bug in the code. (Please handle it carefully)~

ant.c calls functions listed at uart.c. The functions are used for exchnaging commands and results with the ANT chip. In this sample, therefore, uart.c as well as uart.h are required.~

 For uart.c and uart.h, their licenses are checking right now.

- header file &ref(ant.h);~
- C source file &ref(ant.c);~

** Example [#n9172ee0]
 #include <ant.h>
 #include <uart.h>
 #define   DEVICE_NUMBER   31
 #define   MAX_BUFSIZE     32
 #define   ANT_CH          0
 unsigned  char buffer[MAX_BUFSIZE];
 void OpenANT() {
 //  This function sets the communication parameter 0 and opens the communication channel. 
	ANT_ResetSystem();                                         // Resetting ANT device
	ANT_AssignChannel( ANT_CH, ANT_Bidirectional_Slave, 0) ;   // Assigning a channel to a receiving channel
	ANT_SetChannelId( ANT_CH,  DEVICE_NUMBER, 1, 1 );          //   Setting Device Number and other Device ID 
	ANT_SetChannelPeriod_Hz( ANT_CH, 4 );                      // Setting Channel Period as 4Hz (This is the default setting. )
	ANT_SetChannelRFFreq( ANT_CH, 4 );                         // Frequency is at 2404MHz  
	ANT_OpenChannel( ANT_CH );                                 // Opening a channel and starting communication
 void main () {
    int s;
    while(1) {
        if ( s = BC_ANT_RecvPacket( buffer, MAX_BUFSIZE )) {
            // Receiving data from the ANT chip, and processing....
            // Receiving packets, and processing events, which the ANT chip has sent .

* Revision History [#bbddba0e]
- 2013/02/01 This article is initially uploaded

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