
* tftpboot [#t2f74d17]
To use u-boot-arm and USB-Ethernet adapter corresponding to OMAP3 EHCI, any OMAP 3 based device, which does not directly solder an Ethernet connector on its PCB such bc10, can apply tftpboot.~
To use tftpboot, the system can boot without rewriting an uImage on a SD card. This is useful when the addition of drivers and modifications of kernel are frequently done, and it makes the developing process more efficient than before it is used.~
To take advantage of the ease of renewing uImage, tftp server is generally configured at the machine which builds kernel.~
Since kernel of bc10-router is built with Toolchain of arago-project, this article assumes that Ubuntu 10.04 is its build environment.~

** USB-Ethernet adapter [#fb1dc310]
The list of USB-Ethernet adapters, which work with tftpboot, is located at the directory of u-boot-arm/drivers/usb/eith/asx.c. Specifically, these USB-Ethernet adapters have to work with u-boot, which can handle tftpboot. The contents of the list suggest VernderID: ProductID.
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As of January 2013, Buaffalo LUA-U2-ATX is widely available at Japanese market.~
To check its VenderID and Product ID, use lsusb, its output is shown below.~
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** Configuration of tftp server [#cfff6e80]
Ubuntu 10.04 offers the several packages of tftp servers. This article uses atftpad.~
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For the boot management, openbsd-inetd is installed together. However, once xinetd is installed, openbsd-inetd is removed, automatically.~
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Edit tftp configuration file at xinetd.~
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The contents of rftp configuration file are shown below.
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only_from should change to the specific network address that you are currently using.~
server_args specifies the location, which stores kernel uImage.
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The location and name of the log file, which records the status of connections to tftp, is specified as /ver/log/atfpd.log. Then, the log file is created.~
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Reboot xinetd.~
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The configuration of tftp server is completed.~
The name of kernel uImage, which tftp load, is uImage.beagle, and this image has to be stored at /var/lib/tftpboot. uImage is created by the way [[bc10-router/kernel update]] describes. Then, the image will be coped from kernel directory, which is shown below.
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** Configuration of bc10 tftpboot [#m1fd5996]
Connect a USB-Ethernet adapter to the USB connector of bc10, directory or via a USB-Hub. Enable to input commands from the serial console, then boot bc10.~
Start up u-boot. Input the key while loading kernel, then bc10 will shift to command line interface.~
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Let this USB-Ethernet adapter be recognized, configure the network for tftp, and load uImage.~
ipaddr indicates IP address that is set up at bc10.~
serverip is IP address that tftp sercer.
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After tftpboot is executed, if uImage.geagle is read correctly, the log shown below displayed.
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When uImage is read into memory correctly, bootargs is configured.
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To execute bootm command, if it works correctly, the configuration is OK.
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If there are items that you like to set at startup u-boot, please modify the configuration appropriately, such as adding no_suspend_console to bootargs.

* Revision History [#qde1d307]
- 2013-08-09 This article is initially uploaded.

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