
* Obsoletes [#c0caf377]
This section lists the projects, which are inactive and no longer or less likely updated.

** Chumby [#v2f67644]
Chumby is a consumer electronics product, which is equipped with ARM9-based Freescale I.MX21 controller.~
This product allows users to customize its hardware and software, greatly. The project explains the cross build~
environment for Chumby.

--Go to [[Chumby's page>Hardware/chumby]]

** xvid [#i80030d6]
this section explains how to install '''xvid''' in Chumby. The information published here is quite old. Please check~
the updated information from the homepages of [[xvid:http://www.xvid.org/]] and [[Chumby:http://www.chumby.com/]].  

--Go to [[xvid's project page>Software/xvid]]

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