# Contents

*Overview [#be483fbd]
This article explains how to install Ubuntu 14.04 to a PC, which is equipped with Tesla K20c.~
Then, CUDA6.5 is installed to the Ubuntu PC.~

*Hardware Specifications [#e9a8a6d0]
This is the list of hardware specifications.~
- CPU: core i7 3770 (3.4GHz, 4-core/8-thread)~
- Memory: 32B (DDR3-12800 8GB x4)
- HDD: 1TB (SATA, 7200rpm)
- GPU: ETSK20-5GER (NVIDIA Tesla K20c, for CUDA)
- GPU: GF-GT730-LE1GHD/D5 (NVIDIA Geforce GT730, for Video)

In the article of [[CUDA/CentOS6.4]], ''Primary Display'' is configured to ''On Board (Intel GPU)'' at UEFI since ETSK20-5GER does not have any display terminals (D-SUB, DVI, and HDMI). However, when NVIDIA GPU Driver and NVIDA OpenGL Library are installed simultaneously as parts of NVIDIA ToolKit, GUI is not displayed correctly if non-NVIDIA GPU is selected for the monitor.~
In this article, since this is not used as a headless Ubuntu Server but an Ubuntu Desktop with GUI, GF-GT730-LE1GHD/D5, which is equipped with NVIDIA Geforce GT730, is added to the system, and this GPU board is assigned for the screen output.~

*Installing Ubuntu 14.04 [#c57313e2]
> Applying the configuration below, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop 64bit version is installed.
- Language: US
- Keyboard: English (or whatever you use)
- Partitions of HDD: Whole Region (Default setting)
- Network: DHCP

Select ''nomodeset'' at the boot option of Ubuntu install DVD.~
Do not use ''Nouveau'' an open source NVIDIA GPU driver for install Ubuntu.~

* Configuring Ubuntu 14.04 at its Post-Installation [#ae1c26d1]
After the installation of Ubuntu is completed, the configurations shown below are applied.

** Update Ubuntu 14.04 [#i4612129]
Installing the newest packages and applications, make Ubuntu updated.
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt dist-upgrade
After the update is completed, make sure that the system can be restarted with the updated Kernel.

** Making Nouveau Ineffective [#xdb14ad4]
To install and use only NVIDIA's GPU Driver, this is for preventing Nouveau driver to be read by the system. Create a file ''blacklist-nouveau.conf'' at the directory of ''/etc/modprobe.d/lacklist-nouveau.conf'' The contents of the file are shown below.
 blacklist nouveau
 options nouveau modeset = 0

Regenerate ''kernel initramfs'' for making the new configuration effective,
 $ sudo update-initramfs -u
To reboot the system, make sure that Nouveau Driver is NOT read by the system. If Nouveau Drier is NOT read, LightDM and Gnome start up in the low resolutions.~
Also, please check ''nouveau'' is not included in the video drivers, which is done by ''lsmod''.

** Installing Packages [#m8a6056d]
As the installation of Ubuntu 14.04 is completed, the installation of all required packages for CUDA is already completed. To operate the system effortless, the additional packages are installed.
 $ sudo apt-get install vim lv ssh naoutilus-open-terminal build-essential

* Installing CUDA 6.5 [#f84ce7b3]
Since CUDA 6.5, the installation of CUDA on Ubuntu becomes very easer before. Because Ubuntu has officially become a supported distribution, he repository of deb package is prepared.~
- Installing Package Manager
To install the package manager, please follow the directions, which are listed at the URL below.
- Downloading the packages from CUDA Download page
Please download the deb package (cuda-repo-ubuntu1404_6.5-14_amd64.deb) for Ubuntu 14.04.
Then, install the package as applying the command line below.
 $ sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1404_6.5-14_amd64.deb
Since This package only puts NVIDIA's repository on apt sources list, please renew the index and install CUDA as using the command line below.
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install cuda
This is the end of installing CUDA 6.5.~
Restarting the system, GUI of Ubuntu desktop became finer than before since NVIDA's GPU Driver becomes effective.

* Configuring CUDA 6.5 at its Post-Installation [#v2155fbf]
** Configuring environment [#p2259550]
As CUDA 6.5 is installed under the directory of /usr/local/cuda-6.5/, adjust the environment variable for accessing execution file and library, which are stored under this directory.~
Add the command lines shown below to the end of .bashrc file.~
 $ export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-6.5/bin:$PATH
 $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-6.5/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
The change in the environment variable becomes effective as reopen Terminal.

** Copying CUDA Samples [#udf970bf]
The samples of CUDA are placed under the directory of /usr/local/cuda-6.5/samples/. In this directory, the user cannot write into these files of samples without the root privilege. To solve this issue, the samples are copied to user's home directory, where the user does have the root privilege.~
 $ cuda-install-samples-6.5.sh ~
Applying the command line above, the samples of CUDA are copied to the directory of /home/{user}/NVIDIA_CUDA-6.5_Samples/.

** Build and Execute Samples [#xeef0cbc]
Applying the command lines below, move to the directory where the samples have been copied, and build the samples.~
 $ cd ~/NVIDIA_CUDA-6.5_Samples
 $ make

Samples are built under the directory of NVIDIA_CUDA-6.5_Samples. The execution files of Samples are copied to the directory of ~/NVIDIA/_CUDA-6.5_Samples/bin/x86_64/linux/release/.~
- Running the Binaries
To follow the directions listed at the URL below, execute deviceQuery. If this CUDA supple is built correctly, you can obtain the same result as it is shown below.


To execute bandwidthTest, obtains the results shown below.


* Revision History [#e2d6f93d]
- 2015/02/06 This article is initially uploaded

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