Library for PIC24F

This page introduces ANT library for PIC24F series and its sample code. PIC24F is a 16bit microcontroller (IC) and produced by Microchip Technology Inc. The source code is compiled and executed at PIC24FJ64GA002. This library is still alpha version, and there is possibly a lot of bug in the code.

To exchange the commands and results with ANT chip, ant.c calls the functions which works with uart1 listed on uart.c. In this example, both uart.c and uart.h are required.
At transmitting information, uart.c acceses via polling. uart.c also uses interrupt to receive the information since the reception of data is managed by interrupt-driven.
The pins, which are re-mappable, are assigned to RX and TX of UART. In uart.c, there are comments about pin assignments, but the assignments of re-map pins can be changed according to your PCB.~ At the example shown below, RTS of ANT module is assigned to RA3 and performs polling by software. There is no hardware flow. The example can be modified based upon your circuit.


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